Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best Practices Manual for New Supervisors Essay Example for Free

Best Practices Manual for New Supervisors Essay Communication is a multi-faceted term in the realm of management and employee relations. It can apply to the individual’s ability to interact in general terms (supervisor to employee) or literal language skills (e. g. clearly speaking the domestic language). When language is the concern, supervisors must work to ensure all employees can effectively communicate within the organization as well as with the client or customer. In an era of diversity, most organizations employ individuals from all ethnic backgrounds and conduct business with a diverse clientele. Having clients of different cultural backgrounds does not have to pose communication barriers. In fact, with a little research and training, both the international employee and client can enjoy a mutually prosperous relationship. One of the most effective methods in communicating is in understanding. Understanding in the context of internal relations involves the supervisor’s ability to interact with employees at a level that encourages positive behavior and productivity. In terms of clientele, the best strategies and techniques in communicating with clients of different cultures would be know as much as possible about the client’s cultural background. Supervisors must be aware of the uniqueness of individual needs and how they relate to different aspects of life. While adapting to various levels of communication may seem difficult, it is possible and encouraged for the overall success of an organization. Determining Effective Orientation and Training Methods Effective orientation and training methods are similar to recruitment and selection methods, whereby selection tools prove beneficial to managers in determining which applicants are best suited for a particular position. Regardless of the industry, methods recommended include various forms of testing (personality tests, cognitive ability tests, and biographical inventory tests), combined with interviews and evaluations at both a team and individual management level. The most common indicators of training needs are when workers consistently fail to achieve productivity objectives and excessive customer complaints. These issues are best identified through organization analysis, task analysis, and person analysis, including a variety of specific training options. Specialized technology training uses the systems model of training whereby asserting the needs assessment followed by design (objectives, readiness and learning principles). After determining the needs of each individual employee, supervisors must then work toward implementation with on-the-job or other applicable training methods. If faced with a report of increased customer complaints, supervisors must first look at the organization as a whole, investigating areas that seem to be lacking and narrow down results from there. All aspects of the needs assessment can be useful: organizational, task and person analysis. Once the source of the problem has been identified, the next step is to design a training program that will address the issues while teaching employees better customer service skills. While most employees detest mandatory meetings, such gatherings work to encourage employees in maintaining good performance records and motivate low performing employees. Training to increase employee participation in pep meetings would be designed to motivate individual employees through incentives. It is important that employees feel valued and that each is an essential member of the collective team. Positive training methods must also include a level of encouraging traits, allowing each to feel he or she gains valuable knowledge from these meetings versus a feeling of dread. Improving Productivity for Teams In all levels of business, it takes teamwork to achieve the result of productivity, whether the team is part of human resources, production, shipping, or in executive management. All members of an organization must work together to attain a desired result. An effective means of encouraging and improving productivity for teams is in the use of team-based incentives. This type of incentive encourages employees to continue working as a team and thus creating a cooperative environment within the company. To the credit of individual incentives, often times individual employees put forth more effort than others and are not rewarded according to their actions when applied under a team-based incentive program. However, positive aspects of the application of team-based incentives indicate such action works toward achieving the desired result: teamwork. There is no doubt that employee incentives promote better performance. Team-based incentives are more economical in many ways. By allowing employees to work as a team, there is a greater chance of attaining a better productivity level. Offering incentives under this premise offers each employee to work well with others to ensure that final goal is attained, and therefore creating the certainty of receiving such incentives. When team-based incentives are geared toward individual teams, the results are more apt to be to the executive department’s satisfaction. For example, if X department understands that it must be the monthly requirements for Z department to complete its end of month reporting and that there will be no incentives given in the event of missing a specific deadline or goal, each respective department team will be more likely to work harder to achieve the end goal. Team-based incentives also give the appearance of â€Å"fairness† in the type of incentives offered. For example, as referenced through an article by Nancy R. Katz (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, June 2000), although incentives lead to enhanced motivation, effort, and performance, â€Å"in the real world, however, incentives can have dysfunctional effects† (2000). Katz writes that the most common dysfunctional effect an employee’s expression, â€Å"It’s not fair! † When incentives are contingent on performance, Katz explains that workers give greater concern to the issues of fairness. â€Å"When the distribution of rewards that is perceived as even slightly unfair can lead to significant problems† (Katz 2000). Team-based over incentives provide positive points including economical benefits, encouraging teamwork, giving the feeling of fairness, and reduction of employee absenteeism. Clearly, when employees work together cooperatively the outcome requires an understanding of what makes cooperation work. Such traits include positive interdependence, individual accountability, positive interaction, social skills, and group processing. The discipline structure of these traits includes the growth of group commitment and an increased dedication to the company as a whole. While each employee must be held accountable for his or her own actions, they must also work to meet and promote each others productivity. Team settings also provide a setting whereby each employee has the opportunity to participate in explanations and discussion, problem solving, present ideas and feedback, receive group support and encouragement, and be held accountable by coworkers which leads to an individual putting forth a greater effort for a satisfying end result.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Computer Crimes :: essays research papers

Computer Crime Computer crime is a very broad term. It could mean anything from a total invasion by a hacker into the federal government or just the simple fact of one person letting another borrow a copy of his favorite flying game. Computers are defined in the dictionary as a machine that computes (WBD vol. 23). But to most people it is a machine that's helps us do a task easier. As we move into the 21th century though one thing is for sure, the computer will help crime become more prevalent. Hackers are probably one of the more common threats out there. These are the people who use modems and telephone lines to enter your computer. A teenager sits across the table yelling, "I want this and this and this†¦.". This is not a kid talking to his parents; it is a hacker talking to the business he just hacked into. Whenever you think about it, the idea of a teenager being able to make a big software firm grovel like that is pretty amazing. This is a site often seen though. When a company is hacked into it often hires its predators as protectors (Glass 11). If companies do not come forward to claim that they have been infiltrated how are these hackers supposed to be prosecuted. This is a serious issue being faced today by the federal government. In an article by Stephen Glass he quotes a radio advertisement by the Nevada law-enforcement officials. They were so desperate the advertisement ran "Would you hire a shoplifter to watch the cash register? Please don' t deal with hackers." The state took the airwaves after a boy had broken into a department stores computer system and made it credit $500 a day to his Visa card. The boy had racked up $32,000 before being caught. But, the store did not prosecute. Instead they let the boy keep his money, all in exchange for showing them how to improve their security (Glass 11). Also cases have been reported of government agencies being hacked into. If the government is worried about a hackers' invasion with their security system what is the American people to do. Hackers and computer criminals also use computer viruses to either do some odd job or just reek havoc. "Virus" is the one computer-security buzzword that has made its way into the mainstream. Most people do not know exactly what one is, but that it's bad.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Succubus on Top CHAPTER 22

The waiter brought me another gimlet just as I finished my last one. Good man, I thought. He deserved an ample tip. Four days after the Emerald Lit Fest, I sat in the Cellar with Jerome, Carter, Hugh, Peter, Cody, and Bastien. The usual suspects. It was the first time I'd seen any of them in days. I'd been keeping a low profile, essentially only leaving my home to go to work and back. I hadn't seen or heard from Seth in that time either. None of us spoke. We just sat there in the dark, nursing drinks. Other people in the pub moved around and laughed, but we were a corner of silence. I could have sliced and diced the awkward tension among us. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I sighed. â€Å"All right,† I snapped. â€Å"You can stop pretending. I know you've all seen the video.† It was like letting the air out of a balloon. An opening of the floodgates. Hugh spoke first, admiration shining in his eyes. â€Å"Jesus Christ, that was the absolute best thing I've ever seen.† â€Å"I've seen it, like, ten times,† added Peter. â€Å"And it doesn't get old.† Cody's delighted look spoke for itself. I took down half of my drink in one gulp. â€Å"Sometimes I look around, and I can't believe this is my life. â€Å" Bastien had done an Oscar-worthy job of capturing my romantic escapade with Dana on film. She had never noticed the disembodied camera floating around; only the incubus had actually been invisible. Of course, Dana had been too preoccupied to really notice much. I'd made sure of that, and while I felt a certain amount of glee over my powers of pleasure and distraction, my post-ambrosia self still didn't like having that prowess put on display any more than I'd liked Seth's story being linked to me. At least no one knew who Tabitha Hunter was. † Fleur ,I swear you did things I didn't even know about,† teased Bastien. â€Å"Oh, be quiet,† I told him, knowing he lied. â€Å"This whole thing is embarrassing enough. I can't believe you had it all over the Internet in a matter of hours.† He shrugged. â€Å"Good news is hard to keep to yourself.† Jerome's eyes gleamed with subdued satisfaction. â€Å"No need to be embarrassed. What you did is laurel-worthy, Georgie. You'll be Succubus of the Year now.† â€Å"Great,† I said. â€Å"Maybe that comes with coupons that haven't expired.† â€Å"Joke all you want,† continued the demon, â€Å"but you've caused havoc in a powerful religious group. That is definitely worth celebrating.† So much so that Bastien was probably off the hook. True, he hadn't been in the spotlight, but I'd made sure that Jerome played up his role in the official written report. I think the demon knew I'd gone a little overboard in crediting Bastien for his assistance in this caper, but he hadn't dwelt on the technicalities. Regardless of what the paperwork said, the diabolical community knew it was Jerome's succubus in the extremely popular video. My boss's reputation had gone through the roof. As for the CPFV†¦well, yes, it was most definitely in chaos. Dana had resigned as soon as the scandal went public. Suddenly missing their strong leader, the group had collapsed into confusion, flailing about with no clear direction. Poor Bill. In addition to the embarrassment of a philandering wife, he now had to do damage control and still maintain his strong stance on family values for the sake of his political career. Reelections were next year; no one knew how he'd fare. I had mixed feelings about the whole matter. Sure, I hated the CPFV's horrible actions and was glad to see them go down. But Dana, despite her many flaws, had cared about Tabitha. It might not have been love, but the emotions were genuine. She'd opened herself up to me, and I'd made a mockery of it. Even if she managed to wade out of this mess, she'd probably never accept her sexual inclinations again. She'd bury them, continuing a campaign of homosexual intolerance. That bothered me, for the sake of both her personal and her political lives. â€Å"And when not taking down conservative bitches,† noted Hugh, â€Å"she destroys gods in her free time. Did you really beat up that kid too? You're, like, a size four.† â€Å"Don't forget about the Emerald Lit Fest.† Cody grinned mischievously. â€Å"Man, I can't believe I missed that.† â€Å"Is there anything you don't do, Georgina?† marveled Peter. â€Å"You haven't been learning to cook souffl? ¦s behind my back, have you?† I rolled my eyes and turned to the greater immortals, ignoring my friends' over-the-top praise. â€Å"Are you finally going to tell me the whole story on Sol, or whoever he was? You guys have been terribly laissez-faire about me killing a god.† â€Å"You know most of the details,† Carter told me. â€Å"And you didn't technically kill him,† added Jerome. I started. â€Å"I didn't? But†¦he exploded. There was blood everywhere. That seems kind of, I don't know, final. â€Å" â€Å"You destroyed his human manifestation,† explained the angel in an almost bored way. â€Å"The body he used to walk the mortal world. Sol – or Soma as he's accurately called – still very much exists.† â€Å"Soma's another name for ambrosia†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I began slowly. â€Å"Yes,† Carter agreed. â€Å"In Hindu spirituality, the god Soma is the divine embodiment of the drug. It runs in his veins and is then distributed to mortals.† I remembered his bleeding wrist and how his blood had dried. â€Å"His blood forms the crystals that make the ambrosia. That's what everyone was drinking. That's what I drank!† I shuddered. â€Å"You also drank it in its pure form,† noted Jerome, watching for my reaction, â€Å"straight from the source.† â€Å"Oh Lord,† I realized. â€Å"The goblet. I thought it was some sort of date-rape drug.† â€Å"In some ways it was,† Carter told me gently. â€Å"His blood, in its crystal form, serves as a self-enhancement that can be tolerated by mortals – and immortals – because it's diluted. In its concentrated form, it's too much to handle. It's disorienting. It goes beyond amplification of skills. It overloads the system, making you feel insanely good and susceptible to physical touch and strong emotion. â€Å" Hence my reaction to his advances – and subsequent attack on Alec. Of course, I was still so mad at the former drummer that I half believed my actions wouldn't have been any different sans ambrosia. â€Å"That's so disgusting,† I muttered. â€Å"I drank blood. Gross.† Cody and Peter exchanged glances. They grinned. â€Å"What was the deal with that dart thing?† asked Hugh. â€Å"The thing she impaled him with.† â€Å"Mistletoe. It guards the gateway between worlds. The Norse always said it grew on the Tree of Life – the tree that holds the world.† I frowned. â€Å"So, if he's just lost his physical body, then he's not really gone.† â€Å"He's never gone,† said Carter. â€Å"The Food of the Gods is always around – or at least some concept of it. Mortals always have and will continue to believe and pray for some magical cure-all that will change their lives. That's why he still has so much power, despite most not knowing who he is. People don't always have to know what they're worshipping or believing in to still grant it power. â€Å" â€Å"But, when he pops back down to this plane next time, he'll probably hole up somewhere else,† said Jerome more practically. â€Å"If Carter or I had done anything, it would have been an open declaration of war. Innocent Georgie's desperate defense sent a charming get-the-fuck-out message that didn't get any of us in trouble. It only required a small report.† He made a face; the demon hated paperwork. I sighed. â€Å"Okay then. One last question. Why the sex? Why go to all that trouble to get Alex to procure victims?† â€Å"Who doesn't want sex?† asked Hugh. â€Å"The stories do resound with his lechery, actually,† said Carter. â€Å"One myth even talks about him carrying off some god's wife because he just wanted her that badly. When you're a being of euphoria and ultimate physical prowess, I guess sex sort of goes with it. So I've heard, anyway.† I scowled. â€Å"And he was too lazy to even get the victims himself. What a bastard.† â€Å"He's a god,† said Carter, as though there were nothing more to add. I turned to the angel, thinking about what he'd said. â€Å"You've been a veritable wealth of knowledge today. But doesn't it bother anyone else that we're openly discussing and accepting, what, three different spiritual systems here? Hindu and Norse – plus ours. Which I always thought was the true one, by the way.† Jerome looked genuinely delighted. â€Å"Come now, you've rubbed shoulders with immortals from all sorts of ‘spiritual systems' since the beginning of your succubus existence.† â€Å"Yeah, I know†¦but I never thought about the logistics too hard. I thought we were all disparate – remember? They do their thing, we do ours? Now you're mixing it up like†¦like†¦we're all doing the same thing. â€Å" â€Å"Yeah,† said Cody. â€Å"Which one's right?† Angel and demon shared smirks. † ‘What is truth?' Pilate asked.† Carter just couldn't stay away from his quotes. His eyes held barely contained laughter. I sighed again, knowing we'd get no better answer from either of them. As our evening get-together wound down, Bastien unhappily declared he had to leave for Detroit. He made his farewells to the others, and then I walked him out. We stood outside the pub, wrapped in our own thoughts as locals and tourists alike moved through Pioneer Square. Finally, at the same time, we spoke. † Fleur – â€Å" â€Å"Bastien – â€Å" â€Å"No, let me go first,† he said adamantly. I nodded for him to go on. â€Å"What I did at the hotel wasn't right. I shouldn't have led you into that – especially when you told me right off not to. And what I said to Seth at your place†¦that was unforgivable. Yeah, I was pretty sloshed, but that's no excuse. Not by a long shot.† I shook my head. â€Å"God knows I've done a lot of stupid things while drunk. And people, for that matter. But don't beat yourself up too bad – at least not over what happened†¦uh, between us. You were right. I wasn't a victim; I went along with that. I made my own choices, choices that I have to deal with.† â€Å"It doesn't matter. You shouldn't forgive me. Especially after you saved me on the Dana thing. You figured out what I'd been too blind to see. No, I'm definitely beyond forgiveness.† â€Å"Maybe. But I'm going to forgive you anyway.† I gave him a playful punch. â€Å"And you can't stop me.† â€Å"Only a fool would stand in your way,† he said gallantly. â€Å"But I still don't think I deserve it.† â€Å"Bas,I've seen people come and go for over a thousand years. Hell, I've seen civilizations come and go. I don't have many constants in my life. None of us do. I don't want to write off one of the best ones I've got. â€Å" He opened his arms for me, and I rested my head against his chest, sad that he'd be going away again. We stood like that for a long time, and then he broke away so that he could look at me. â€Å"Confession time: I didn't have sex with you for altruism. You were right about that. And I didn't do it just because I could either. I did it because I wanted you. Because I wanted to be closer to you.† He touched my cheek and winked. â€Å"You're worth ten Alessandras. You would be worth going to Guam for.† â€Å"What about Omaha?† â€Å"No one's worth going to Omaha for.† I laughed. â€Å"You're going to miss your flight.† â€Å"Yeah.† He hugged me again, then hesitated before speaking. â€Å"There's one more thing you need to know. The day after my, uh, idiotic drunken outburst, Seth came to see me.† â€Å"What?† I racked my brain. That would have been during the time I was preparing for the Fest. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"He wanted to know what happened. Between us. All the details.† â€Å"What'd you tell him?† â€Å"The truth.† I stared off at nothing. â€Å"That guy's crazy about you,† Bastien said after a moment's silence. â€Å"Love like that†¦well, hell itself has trouble standing against love like that, I think. I don't know if a succubus and a human can really make things work, but if it can happen, he'll be the one it happens with.† He hesitated. â€Å"I think, no, I know I was a little jealous of that†¦both that he had your love and you had someone who loved you like that.† He gave me a bittersweet smile. â€Å"Anyway. Good luck. I'm always here if you need me.† â€Å"Thank you,† I said, hugging him again. â€Å"Keep in touch. Maybe we'll get assigned together again some day.† The roguish look, long absent during our solemn conversation, flashed to his face. â€Å"Oh, the trouble we could cause. The world isn't ready for us again.† He pressed a soft, sweet kiss against my lips, and then he was gone. A minute later, I felt Carter's presence behind me. â€Å"Parting is such sweet sorrow.† â€Å"That it is,† I agreed sadly. â€Å"But that's life, mortal or immortal.† â€Å"How's your high-wire act with Seth going?† I turned to him, almost having forgotten that reference. â€Å"Bad.† â€Å"Did you look down?† â€Å"Worse than that. I fell off. I fell off and hit bottom.† The angel regarded me with his steady gaze. â€Å"Then you'd better get back on.† I choked on a bitter laugh. â€Å"Is that possible?† â€Å"Sure,† he said. â€Å"As long as the wire hasn't snapped, you can always climb back on.† I left him and walked a few blocks to catch a bus back to Queen Anne. While I was waiting, I blinked and did a double take as Jody walked by. I hadn't talked to her in ages. After the Dana scandal, Mitch and Tabitha Hunter had dropped off the face of the Earth. I left the bus stop and ducked into a dark doorway §?laSuperman. A moment later, I hurried to catch up with her as Tabitha. â€Å"Jody!† She stopped and turned around. Her brown eyes widened when she recognized me. â€Å"Tabitha,† she said uncertainly, waiting for me to get to her. â€Å"It's good to see you.† â€Å"You too. How are things?† â€Å"Okay.† We stood there awkwardly. â€Å"How are you? I mean, after everything†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her cheeks crimsoned. â€Å"You don't have to avoid the topic. I can deal with it,† I told her gently. â€Å"It happened. Nothing to be done about it now.† She looked down at her feet, clearly troubled. â€Å"I've been wanting to tell you something. It wasn't†¦it wasn't just you, you know.† She looked back up, embarrassed. â€Å"She sort of, you know, approached me too, and we did some things†¦things I didn't really want to do. But I couldn't say no either. Not to her. It was a rough time in my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  So. I wasn't Dana's first taste of forbidden fruit. The notion that she had forced Jody appalled me, more so than Dana throwing herself into rallies that denied her own nature. Suddenly, I didn't feel so sorry for her anymore. â€Å"Then she got what she deserved,† I declared icily. â€Å"Maybe,† said Jody, still looking upset. â€Å"It's been a disaster for their family. I feel the worst for Reese. And then there's the CPFV†¦they're a disaster too.† â€Å"Maybe it's for the best,† I said neutrally. She gave me a sad half-smile. â€Å"I know you don't believe in them, but they do have potential to do good. I'm actually on my way to a meeting right now. We're going to decide the fate of the group. I don't think we'll disband†¦but I don't know what direction we'll go in either. There are some people who think just like Dana. They're not a majority, but they're loud. Louder than people like me.† I remembered our gardening conversation. â€Å"And you still want some of the things you talked to me about? Helping those who need help now?† â€Å"Yes. I wish I could walk right in there and speak up. If I could get enough people's attention, I think we could really go in a new direction. A better direction that might actually affect change instead of just censuring and calling people names.† â€Å"Then you should do exactly that.† â€Å"I can't. I don't have the skill to talk to people like that. I'm not that brave.† â€Å"You have the passion.† â€Å"Yeah, but is that enough if I can't get it out?† Suddenly, I had to fight a giddy smile from taking over my face. â€Å"I've got something for you,† I told her, reaching into my purse. â€Å"Here. Take this.† I handed her the last packet of ambrosia. It was dangerous, perhaps, to give it to a mortal, but one dose wouldn't hit her too badly, and she'd never be able to get more. Besides, taking the temptation away from me was probably for the best. â€Å"What is this?† â€Å"It's a, um, herbal supplement. Like an energy blend. Haven't you seen those?† She frowned. â€Å"Like ginseng or kava or whatever?† â€Å"Yeah. I mean, it won't change your life, of course, but it always sort of gives me a kick. You just mix it in a drink and go from there.† â€Å"Well, I was about to buy coffee†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"That's perfect. And it can't hurt or anything.† Smiling, I squeezed her arm. â€Å"Do it for me, so I'll feel like I've given you a good-luck charm.† â€Å"Okay. Sure. I'll take it as soon as I get the coffee.† She glanced at her watch. â€Å"I've got to take off now if I want to be on time. You take care of yourself, okay?† â€Å"I will. Thanks. Good luck tonight.† To my surprise, she gave me a quick hug and then disappeared into the crowd of pedestrians. As I rode the bus home, I found I felt better about myself than I had in days. I'd sort of wanted to save the ambrosia for next year's Emerald Lit Fest, but I supposed I wouldn't need it so long as I actually allowed myself two days instead of one. After all, a little leeway never hurt.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Comparing The American Revolutionary War and The French...

The Age of Enlightenment served as the concrete base for America. It also served the same purpose in France. The desire for a â€Å"utopia† was what each nation wanted, as any country would. The Enlightenment promoted the individual or the idea of humanism. Humanism, which spread across Europe after the creation of the printing press, was a philosophy that no longer focused on theism but human needs. Man was no longer depending on the church for thoughts to make decisions. The idea of fearing their God and church was no longer seen as necessary. People were trying to come up with solutions through their own rational thought uninfluenced by anyone else, but themselves. Both France and the American colonies were becoming secular, though France†¦show more content†¦The French Revolution, however, was literally fought amongst the monarch and their homes and lower class. It was fought within their own country. I think it is safe to say that the French Revolution was significantly bloodier than the American Revolution. The guillotine had become the French’s new best friend. They executed their monarchs, the monarch’s friends, and any supporters of the crown via beheading and what they did with the bodies after was horrific. Some were trampled on. Their heads were placed on sticks and paraded about the city. They mutilated some of the bodies. It was barbaric, for lack of a better word. In the colonies, the colonists, for the most part, were not extremely violent towards the British and supporters of the British crown outside of warfare. I mentioned earlier how the ideas or motives of the French Revolution began to change over time and became more and more radical. The hopes for the American Revolutionary War, on the other hand, stayed pretty consistent for the most part. In the end, this and the results of the two wars were what really separated these two turning points in history. The American colonists were able to achieve freedom form the crown and were able to achieve democracy. The French people were able to rid themselves of the monarchy and power of the church, but as a result of their radical anarchism they ended with a dictatorshipShow MoreRelatedRole of Ideas in the French and Russian Revolutions1432 Words   |  6 PagesCount: 1511 How important was the role of ideas in the outbreak of revolution? When comparing the French Revolution of 1789 and Russian October Revolution of 1917, a series of parallels become evident. Both revolutionary groups became determined with an extensive emergence of new ideas, which captured a strong majority of the respective populations. 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Throughout history there has been a countless number of wars. Some in the name of God or some other holy figure, others have been for noble things such as freedom, and some have been for simple things such as money and land, but for which one of these issues is it justifiable to lead men to their deaths for? When talking of just causes of warfare within the last thirty years manyRead MoreHow Were The Ideological Foundations Of The 1790s French Monarchy Influenced By Political Enlightenment Philosophers And Writers?2150 Words   |  9 PagesIndentification and Evaluation of Sources This investigation will focus on the question of â€Å"How were the ideological foundations of the 1790s French monarchy challenged by political Enlightenment philosophers and writers?† The French monarchy was controlled by an authoritarian regime which created political and economic issues in its society of the 18th century. Montesquieu, John Locke, and Rousseau were political philosophers who successfully expressed their writings and ideas to the public whoRead MoreAp Exam Essays1660 Words   |  7 PagesNew England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? 2. Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period 1775–1783. 3. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories contributed to the coming of the Civil War. Confine your answer to the period 1845–1861. 4. Analyze the roles that women played in Progressive Era reforms from the 1880s through 1920. Focus