Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Albert Einstein’s vs. Newton: General Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein, most famously known as a physicist, was a contributor to the scientific world with his many known researches and humanitarian work. As a Nobel Prize Winner in 1921, his chronicled and more important works include Special Theory of Relativity (1905), Relativity (English Translation, 1920 and 1950), General Theory of Relativity (1916), Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement (1926), and The Evolution of Physics (1938). (Nobel Prize Foundation, 1921) In all his important works, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has lead the way for how science currently views time, space, energy, and gravity. Relativity, which all motion must be defined relative to a frame of reference and that space and time are relative, rather than absolute concepts, consists of two principal parts: The theory dealing with uniform motion, or the Special Theory of Relativity (1905) and the theory dealing with gravity, or the General Theory of Relativity (1916). (dictionary. com, pars. 2) Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference. Although Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity was â€Å"special† because it dealt only with inertial reference frames; his General Theory of Relativity accounts not only for these, but also for bodies that accelerate and are based on the postulate that the local effects of a gravitational field and of acceleration of an inertial system are identical. (dictionary. com, pars. 2) An example of Einstein’s Special Relativity: One of the peculiar aspects of Einstein's theory of special relativity is that the length of objects moving at relativistic speeds undergo a contraction along the dimension of motion. An observer at rest (relative to the moving object) would observe the moving object to be shorter in length. General relativity or the general theory of relativity (GR) in whole is the geometric theory of gravitation. It is what we currently define as gravity in modern physics. GR integrates with special relativity in relatively, but GR consists of Newton’s law of universal gravitation and describes gravity as a property of the geometry of space and time. Even though special relativity intertwines a lot with general relativity, these two viewpoints are really what GR is about and relate greatly to each other. In the first viewpoint of GR, it is a theory of the behavior of space and time. Before the 20th century, all physics theorists assumed space and time to be absolutes, or separated from each other. Now called spacetime, together space and time formed a background within which matter moved. (Felder, pars. 4-5) In Einstein’s theory of GR, this physical theory was to describe how different kinds of matter would interact with each other and predict their motions. The theories of space and time greatly changed after the development of the Special Relativity Theory and shortly later the General Relativity Theory by Einstein. This results that space and time came to be viewed as the important variables in physics, which are capable of being changed by the mater within them and in turn changing the way that matter behaves. (Felder, pars. 5) Spacetime is an important factor in GR. In Newton’s world and before the 20th century, physics space and time again were viewed completely separately. In relativity theory, time is the fourth dimension our world has instead of the three one would think there is. It is hard to picture a 4D world, so to make things simpler let’s picture a 2D world. As shown in diagram 1, we can view spacetime as a 2D surface where the horizontal direction is space and the vertical direction is time. The diagram below shows the world line of an object in a one-dimensional space (Felder, pars. 7): (Diagram 1) A spacetime diagram like this is very critical to help in understanding relativity. It answers questions like: What’s the world line of a particle at rest? What the world line of a particle moving with constant speed in one direction? How would you describe the motion of a particle with the world line shown below? Viewing spacetime this way allows us to formulate physics in new ways. It is a similar way in getting Newton’s first law of motion, which states that an object with no force acting on it will move in a straight line at a constant and we can just say that the world line of a free object (one with no forces on it) is a straight line. speed (Harrison, pars. 6) Comparing to Newton’s laws, spacetime are considered two separate things, while in relativity, both in special and general theory, it is necessary to view spacetime as one. In GR this team of spacetime is curved by the effects of gravity. Now in GR, curved space often refers to a spatial geometry, which is not â€Å"flat. † Spacetime becomes curved in the response to the effects of matter and there is no gravitational force deflecting objects from their natural, straight paths. This puts gravity to correspond to changes in the properties of space and time, which in turn changes the straightest-possible paths that objects will naturally follow. So the act of curving is caused by the energy-momentum of matter and affects matters behaviors. In Newton’s first law of motion, it states that, where an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. In a curved spacetime what used to be straight lines are now twisted and bent, and particles with no forces acting on them are seen to move along curved paths. (Physics Classroom, pars. 1) John Archibald Wheeler, an American theoretical physicist, paraphrases, â€Å"Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve. † (Britannica Encyclopedia, pars. ) To explain curved space in an example, suppose there are two people. Each person stands two feet apart from each other facing the same direction and begins walking straight. Even though one might think the two people are walking in parallel lines (since they are walking only in a straight line), is one will stand behind them in between them, he/she will notice that those two people will start to drift apart. In awhile the two people will become four feet apart instead of the 2 feet that they started on and both are not pointed in exactly the same direction as they started on. One might assume it’s because one is not going in a â€Å"straight† line. (Picture of Geodesics) Although, what is a â€Å"straight† line? One assumes that a straight line means being parallel or that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. But in curved space path that stay parallel to each other are not paths of minimal distance and vice-versa, there is no path in space that fits a â€Å"straight† line being parallel or the shortest distance. In space, a straight line is curved and the shortest path between two points is called a geodesic. The second viewpoint of general relativity is described as a theory of gravity. In Newton’s second law of motion, that states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables – the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. (Physics classroom, pars. 2) In other words, getting two massive bodies like the Earth and Newton’s â€Å"famous† apple are going to pull each other because of the law of gravity. To explain further, if an apple started out at rest and when it just breaks off from a tree, gravity would make it move towards the Earth until it collided with it. Newton’s curiosity of a fallen apple not only explains his law of gravity and the falling of apples, but also the orbit of the moon about the Earth, the motions or the planets about the sun, and much more. Einstein’s theory of GR relates to this because it explains all of Newton’s laws, but in a very different way. In GR, a massive body like the sun causes the spacetime around it to curve and this act of curving in turn affects the motion of the planets, causing them to orbit around the sun. In Newton’s second law of motion, these objects (i. e. the earth and the apple) will have a gravitational attraction, causing them to accelerate towards each other until they eventually collide. In GR, the same effect will happen, but the description is different because gravity is not a force in GR. Objects neither exert nor feel any-non-gravitational forces, so basically the objects should act like free particles moving alone geodesics. (Felder, pars. 5) In a flat spacetime, which has no gravity, the geodesics would be in straight lines. Since objects started out at rest, their world lines would be vertical lines, this means that they would always stay the same distance from each other. However, in the effects of gravity, we know that the objects will have spacetime around it. In a curved space, parallel lines do not always stay parallel. The geodesics in this curved spacetime start out parallel but over time it doesn’t. This results in the objects colliding. Einstein shows that although Newton’s theory of two objects colliding is predicted, the underlying description of the curved space is different. To show an example about gravity and curved space with a couple of geodesics, here is another graph (Felder, pars. 14): To explain the graph in more detail, the yellow rectangle is the sun (and the space around the sun is really three-dimensional), the spatial axis is â€Å"r† (radius) instead of x, and â€Å"t† (time) instead of y. The geodesic lines (red ; blue, respectively) are the particles moving directly towards or away from the sun. The red geodesic shows that an object initially at rest will curve towards the sun. Even an object moving away from the sun could fall back in if it were moving slowly. While the blue geodesics, is for the particle starting out at the same place but with an initial outward velocity large enough that I will never fall back, objects that have an escape velocity. Explaining the basis of GR helps form a stepping stone to Einstein’s more complicated theories and consequences, along with some knowledge of the General Theory of Relativity. In this very complicated version by Einstein of Newton’s laws of motion, it in fact shows not that Einstein just complicated Newton’s theories, but showed that results are not the same. The result in fact that objects collide are there and come out slightly the same, but the behavior is different. Spacetime is therefore â€Å"curved† as a straight line. The theory of GR has brought the science world to a dramatic position of understanding the universe. Space and time, in which were two separate things are now explained as one union with each other. In GR gravity is not only viewed as a force but now as a description of the geometry of the universe. This helps scientists envision the universe in a more dramatic and insightful way. As Albert Einstein was forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence, he quoted: â€Å"Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. † Works Cited â€Å"Albert Einstein† Pac Bell. ; http://home. pacbell. net/kidwell5/aebio. html; â€Å"Albert Einstein†, Colliers Encyclopedia, (MacMillan, 1985) Volume 8, pg. 684-685 â€Å"Albert Einstein†, World Book, (World Book Inc. , 1999) Volume 6, pg. 146-147 â€Å"Albert Einstein†, Encyclopedia Britanica, ( Encyclopedia Britanica Inc. , 1997) Volume 4, pg. 403 â€Å"Albert Einstein†, Current Biography Who's News and Why, (H. W. Wilson Co. , 1953) Volume 1953, pg. 178-180 â€Å"Albert Einstein†, Current Biography Who's News and Why, (H. W. Wilson Co. , 1955) Volume 1955, pg. 177-178 â€Å"Albert Einstein†, The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists, (Oxford University Press, 1994) Second Edition, pg. 206-208 Felder, Gary. North Carolina State – Math and Physic Help. 2003. ;http://www4. ncsu. edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/kenny/papers/gr1. html; â€Å"general relativity. † Dictionary. com Unabridged (v 1. 1). Random House, Inc. 05 Feb. 2009. ;Dictionary. com http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/general relativity;. General Relativity† Albert Einstein Biography, Spark Notes. 05 Feb 2009 ;http://www. sparknotes. com/biography/einstein/section7. rhtml; Geroch, Robert. General Relativity from A to B. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Harrison, David M. Homepage. 18 August 2007 ;http://www. upscale. utoronto. ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/GenRel/GenRel. html; Leaving Certificate Physics Homepage. â€Å"Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity. † ;http://www. teachnet. ie/torourke/Physicswebsite/Relativistic%20Length%20Co traction. htm; â€Å"Newton’s Laws. † The Physics Classroom. 1996-2009. ;http://www. physicsclassroom. com/Class/newtlaws/u2l1a. cfm; Nobel Prize Foundation. Nobel Lectures, Phys ics: Albert Einstein. 1901-1921. ; http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1921/einstein-bio. html; Truth ; Reality. â€Å"Einstein Relativity. † 1997-2009. ; http://www. spaceandmotion. com/albert- einsteins-theory-of-general-relativity. htm; Wald, Robert M. General Relativity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philippine history Essay

During the colonization of the Philippines, the Filipinos lost their freedom. They were being abused by the Spaniards. These are the settings in the Spaniards colonization: The Filipinos are required to pay a TRIBUTO or TRIBUTE (TAX). FORCED LABOR is established under the Spaniards government. It is where the male Filipinos 16-60 of age were required to work for the government for 40 days in one year. They were assigned to build or repair roads and bridges Sometimes, they would be assigned to work on a shipyards or foundries or to cut timber in the forest. They were also used as soldiers or sailors. The law required that the worker should be given a nominal salary and to have a free rice rations, but then the officials of the Spaniards government were corrupt and ignored the law. They pocketed the salaries and the rice rations were distributed to them. Another burden imposed on Filipinos was the BANDALA. It is a compulsory sale by the Filipino farmers of their farm products to the Spaniards. This system was being abused also by the Spaniards, their goods were undervalued and in many cases their products were not even paid for. The Spaniards introduced Western or European system of education wherein the principal aim of the education in the Philippines during Spanish regime was to make the Filipinos obedient to them and to be a god fearing Christians. Spaniards established many other systems which are only for their own good. The Filipinos became slaves for a long time. They abused the Filipinos. They were also being maltreated by the Spaniards. Others are being killed. By the help of our great men and some Americans, the Philippines became free from  the hands of the Spanish. And this is the end of the Spanish regime. The United States had a different approach in colonizing the Philippines. The Americans considered educating the Filipinos as one of their top priorities in The Philippines. They treated the Filipinos like their friends. These are the settings in the American colonization: The Americans built schools in the City. Because the Filipinos were hungry for education, they flocked to public and private schools in large numbers. They teach English language to the Filipinos. (The American soldiers were the first teachers of the Filipinos.) They established the Philippine public school system. It provided for free primary education and the establishment of a school to train Filipino teachers. They gave the bright young Filipino students an opportunity to take up higher education in American universities and colleges. They introduced Protestantism (It did not gain wide acceptance maybe because Filipinos were deeply believed in Catholicism). They also established Aglipayan Church (Independent Church). The economic development of the Philippines progressed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Where an employee can reasonably expect to have privacy in the Research Paper

Where an employee can reasonably expect to have privacy in the workplace - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that technology has played a very important role especially in the world of business. Many business companies are applying different forms of technology with the aim of enhancing daily operations. This has somehow resulted in a lot of competition in the world of business. Electronic surveillance is one of the fields of technology that has been used by businesses in the world. This state of the art technology has been used with the aim of enhancing security in the different business setting. Electronic surveillance has also been a system which has reduced the threat that has been posed by terrorism in the past few years. Businesses have experienced a lot of achievements and this can be related to the aspect of applying electronic surveillance in the business world. However, there have been some controversial issues in regard to electronic surveillance of employees in the business setting. There are a variety of ethical considerations that sh ould be made before adopting and fully implementing the art of electronic surveillance for employees in any business setting. As much as electronic surveillance has been embraced in the world of business, there are some important considerations that should be made on the part of the employee. Some researchers view the art of electronic surveillance as an intrusion to privacy because there are some cases in which employees require privacy in the workplace. Privacy is an important aspect of good human relations.... Explain whether it makes a difference if an employee is in an open area or in an enclosed office. There is a difference between the locations in which an employee is found within the business setting. Employees have two kinds of settings in the work place. One of the locations is the open area. This is a location where employees can freely communicate and it is subdivided by desks for every employee. Electronic surveillance cameras are fixed in most open areas. The other kind of setting is the enclosed offices within the businesses. Most of these are reserved for the managers and other members of higher management. Questions have been raised as to whether there is a difference between the open areas and the enclosed offices. As much as there is a difference, the enclosed offices should be fixed with surveillance cameras as well (Slobogin 2007). The main reason to this is that it would prevent situations where employees are manipulated by top managers within the businesses. The enclos ed offices should be treated just as the open area. As much as it is important to monitor employees at the lower level of management, it is also important to monitor employees at the higher management level of the organization. Most businesses are biased in that electronic surveillance is made for employees at the lower management level and not those at the higher management level. 3. Explain if Herman’s need to know whether his salespersons are honest is a sufficient ground for utilizing electronic surveillance. A business may prosper or fail and this may be as a result of the character exhibited by employees. Dishonesty is one of the ill characters that lead to the failure

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WORLDVIEW ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WORLDVIEW - Assignment Example (Clooney, 2010). It is highly associated with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and those who believe and follow his teachings. Christians are the followers Christ and Christianity is the religion. According to St. Paul, Christianity has a foundation in the body and the soul of Christ Jesus, believed to be the son of God. According St. John, Jesus is the Lamb of God who came down to salvage man from his sin. They also believe that, it is only through Christ that mankind will receive salvation and that Jesus has sat on the right of God. Christianity was mainly a religion of the West but has spread to the rest of the continent and become the main largest religion all over the world. In the New Testament, Christians identify themselves with Jesus Christ as their true savior and the only son of God. According to St. Matthew, Jesus is the lamb of light and He links human beings with God. They believe that, through Christ, man will able to see God. St Peter in his teachings encourages the gentiles to accept and identify themselves Christ Jesus the savior. They believe in forgiveness of sins through Christ. Modern Christians identify themselves with British Israelis, descendants of Israelites who taken to captivity by the army of Assyria. They believe that White Christians are still the God’s chosen race and that Christ is an Israelite from Judah. The meaning of Christianity derived from Christ and his followers the Christians, hence the name Christianity as a religion. The major purpose of the believers is to spread the Gospel to rest the world. They believe in a sacred book called the Bible as a true word of God. The Bible manifests the will and teaching of God to those ordained filled with the Holy Spirit. According to St. Paul, Jesus ordains his followers and gives authority to spread salvation to all. They had total faith in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 74

History - Essay Example The treasury was dedicated to protecting the member cities of the League from attack by Persia and Pericles used his persuasion to ensure that Athens benefits the most from the treasury. Pericles could be labeled as tyrannical because he was also arrogant. For example, Thucydides recounts that Pericles spoke with pride, saying that there was no living Athenian who ever put on mourning because of him (Thucydides 180). Pericles acted tyrannically as can be seen when he influence the Dalian League to send troops to engage the Peloponnese. Even though the League lost in the end, Pericles led the fight against the Peloponnesian war and this brought it many victories between 410 and 406. Finally, Pericles’ tyranny is best seen in his ability to manipulate his opponents’ arguments to his favor. For example, when confronted by some members of the Assembly about a fault they had noted in one of the policies they had passed under his influence, Pericles was candid. He countered that he could not change easily. He blatantly told them that they were the ones who changed but they initially took his advice gladly thinking that all would work out but only regretted later when it did not (Thucydides

Film Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Film Studies - Essay Example One of the reasons directors assemble movies from hundreds if not thousands of shots is because film cameras can hold only a limited amount of celluloid film, which is not enough for a feature-length motion picture. Importantly, narrative films compress time considerably by leaving out the boring parts of the stories. A long story could conceivably take exactly two hours to tell on film. To do this, a filmmaker is required to carve up the action into discrete shots and re-assemble them coherently to hold the audience’s visual interest.The simplest transition is the cut. A director films a shot(the basic unit of filmmaking) and has it developed. He/she films subsequent shots and have them developed as well. The director trims each shot down to the wanted length and attaches the strips of film together with a piece of tape. This implies that the director has cut from one shot to another using celluloid. The same effect can be created electronically with two shots taken in the vi deo without the need for a tape. Editing is a human activity, unlike the camera’s mechanical recording of images, editing is quite specifically a matter of active decision making the product of human choice. Cameras can only record while directors and editors cut out the unwanted parts. Other important transitions include the fade-in and fade-out; the iris-in and iris-out; the dissolve, and the wipe. However, these effects are mostly used as transitions from scene to scene or from the final shot of one scene to the first shot of the next scene.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical thinking - Essay Example And this has come with so much military concerns. In other words, religion has been a fundamental part in the organization of nations' military policies and military campaigns. This paper seeks to argue that religion is a major cause of war. In order to undertake this discourse, it is important to identify the origins of organized religion. This will provide the basis for the identification of the important variables and undertake a comparison of the era before organized religion and the era after organized religion. In providing a background to what we will call organized-religion today, Wilson identifies that â€Å"Jesus did not call what he taught Christianity nor did Buddha call what he taught Buddhism† (2011 p62). This implies that what we call religion today evolved years after the founders of those groups died. In other words, these great teachers in history lived for a given philosophy and idea that was meant to improve the lives of people and get human beings closer t o the Creator. However, after these exemplary teachers died, people who came after them sought to spread their creed and spiritual beliefs. These individuals are the ones who can institutionalize religions and make it imperative for people to adopt those religions and live according to these fundamental ideals. With time, these â€Å"religionists† philosophize and put religion in a context that binds all people and all members of the community. This is because they feel that the teachings of the founders of the sect are universal and every human being must be forced to comply with those religious ideals in order. A further analysis of the emergence of religion indicates that the founders of these religions were mainly individuals with very modest visions and modest views. However, after they died, some people believed in the institutionalization of the religious views and in doing this, they got closer to people in authority and created a symbiotic relationship that made reli gion self-serving and a tool for the control of the masses and the wider sections of the society (Gooding, 2006, p45). As Karl Marx opines, religion is the opium of the people (Ott, 2007). In his writings, Marx challenged the status quo and he identified a lot of things about the abuse of religion, power and authority. In doing this, he provides a thesis that religion is used by the people in power and the people in authority to control the masses and get them to do what the leaders want. This observation of Marx can be identified in many societies ranging from the Far East to the Atlantic and down to the southern tip of Africa and the southern continents. Religion was used by people in authority to guide and to control the minds of people in society. In notable examples, religion was used to organize Empires. Caroll writes that Emperor Constantine unified Europe and kept the Roman Empire alive through the adoption of Christianity as a state religion (2012). It is worthy to note tha t Christianity was an outlawed religion that came with a death penalty in the Roman Empire before Constantine came to power. However, realizing that there were economic challenges ahead and there was pressure and rebellion from the â€Å"barbarian† tribes in northern Europe, Constantine decided to adopt Christianity to unify the masses and create a single code. Thus, through the Church, an organized religion was formed in Europe and this helped

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mediation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mediation paper - Essay Example fact about the case is that the pet is now fertilizer, the court has requested out-of-court settlement, and this presents an opportunity in my training to exercise mediation process. Certainly, this is a perfect opportunity to apply theoretical principles of the mediation process. Firstly, the case presents two persons, the claimant and the fertilizer company representative who are willing to settle the matter outside the court. Secondly, the claimant has no interest for money; this is a good premise for this case. Her legal pursuit was primarily motivated by her feelings of hopelessness and grief. In theory, facilitated negotiations involve a neutral party who has relinquished powers to make a decision, this should be a fundamental principle that will guide me throughout the mediation process. Folger & Bush (1996, pg. 264) identifies that satisfaction story is an important theoretical model in this case. Notably, the fertilizer representative and the claimant are interested in the settlement of the case. As a mediator, I will apply the satisfaction story in order to achieve four important goals of mediation. Firstly, the process should remain as informal as possible and not drive by any legal rules; this promotes satisfaction of both parties involved. Secondly, I satisfaction story, an important goal is to focus on the interest of the parties involved. In this case, the claimant is in pursuit for her emotional satisfaction on her loss of the pet while the company representative wishes to avoid litigation and court fines. Based on this case, my interest as a mediator will be to seek common ground that is acceptable to both parties. Besides, satisfaction story model will allow me to ensure that the parties arrive in a commitment in meeting the agreement. An important factor in the mediation process is the satisfaction. It is achieved after clear deliberation that strikes a balance of both parties interest (Folger & Bush 1996, pg. 266). Moreover, this model is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wind Energy (Is wind energy really that cheap Is it effective Is it Research Paper

Wind Energy (Is wind energy really that cheap Is it effective Is it practical) - Research Paper Example Wind is also a form of solar energy, because winds are mainly produced because of the temperature irregularities in the atmosphere caused by the sun, the unevenness of the earth’s surface and its rotation. Then this energy is used to turn the turbines and produce electrical energy. Basically the wind turbines are used to convert this wind energy into mechanical energy, which is later on used to transform it into electrical energy via generators or alternators. If we go through a brief history of electricity generation from wind turbines, Denmark was the first one to do it, who was able to produce 5 to 25 kW by 1910. Then in around 1925, wind-electric plants ranging from around 200 W to 3 kW were commercially available in the American market, and then in that era, the largest wind turbine was made in 1941 by Palmer C. Putnam with a capacity of 1250 kW. It was a hybrid hydro-electric capacity, in which, wind was the main source of energy, but in the absence of wind, water could also be used to turn the turbines. ... y unlike conventional power plants, which usually use furnace oil, diesel and coal, emitting a lot of pollution, thus badly affecting the environment. In 1990, according to the US Energy Department, the production of electricity using wind energy reduces the production of about 2.4 billion pounds of carbon dioxide and around 14.9 billion pounds of other pollutants. The cost of wind energy is reduced up to much of the extent in last 10 years, but still, it requires higher initial investment as compared to fuel generators. But the main cost is the machinery cost, which is around the 80% of the total cost. Whereas the running cost is almost free as compared to other sources of generating energy. So if we examine the total overall initial and total cost of the wind systems with other fossil fuel systems, then the cost of wind systems is quite competitive with other systems because on one hand where it saves the running cost or reduces it to the minimal, it also saves the fossil fuels, wh ich are reducing in the earth’s crust day by day. Thus the energy produced from the wind also provides a soft edge against the increase in electric power prices as the prices of fossil fuels are increasing gradually. Another major issue, that we have to face while using wind as a power source is that wind is an intermittent source, for it is sometimes available at the required rate and sometimes it is not available. So it may or may not work, whenever electricity is needed, or at places where electricity is needed at every time. Though electrical energy produced by the wind mills can be stored in batteries, but wind itself cannot be stored anywhere to be available at the timing of electricity demands. And usually wind blows at faster rate in remote locations, which are usually far away

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project managment - Essay Example The processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation form the three key stages that define strategic management process. Activities that are involved in the formulation process include the setting up of firm’s vision and mission, and performing an environmental scan in order to identify the external opportunities and strengths. As regards the process of implementation, activities that are involved include budget preparations, developing a strategy-supportive culture and creating the right organizational culture. The evaluation stage involves measuring and evaluating performance in order to determine the viability of the project. With the ever-changing environmental factors, change is inevitable for any strategy developed. As such, a review of internal and external factors is always necessary as well as taking corrective actions. How project management in integrated into strategic management process Given the high level of importance that has been attached to strategic m anagement process, necessary tools have to be put in place to ensure the success of this process. According to (Macmillan & Tampoe, 2001), turning strategy into reality is not an easy thing. It requires constant investment in management resources. This is where project management comes in. ... It also involves identifying performance management goals and developing a management plan. On the project management side, planning involves stakeholders agreeing to project objectives, scope and plans for carrying out the project which has been formally funded and resourced. The other process that integrates project management into strategic management process is the monitoring process. This process measures and assesses the project performance in order to respond to variances and risks (Macmillan & Tampoe, 2001). This is possible if performance measures have been identified and selected and measurement scorecards developed. Under this process, a re-verification of critical success factors is done as well as re-planning of the project. This may include changes in resource allocation or the scheduling of events and activities. The result of this may be changes in the strategies and objectives of the organization which requires performance reporting. Performance reporting falls on th e performance management side and it involves developing of a communications plan and communicating performance results to stakeholders. How organizational culture influences the selection of a project management structure Culture incorporates beliefs, behaviors, and assumptions shared by individuals within an organization (Hill & Jones, 2012). In trying to explain how organizational culture influences the selection of a project management structure, various factors have to be considered. They include whether or not decision-making is done in command and control environments or by self-directed teams, how functional units work with each other and many other factors. How functional units work with each other

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effect of Video Games Essay Example for Free

Effect of Video Games Essay A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word videoin video game traditionally referred to cathode ray tube (CRT) display device, but it now implies any type of display device that can produce two or three dimensional images. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles .These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously common, have gradually declined in use. Video games have gone on to become an art form and industry. The input device used to manipulate video games is called a game controller, and varies across platforms. For example, a controller might consist of only a button and a joystick, while another may feature a dozen buttons and one or more joysticks. Early personal computer games often needed a keyboard for game play, or more commonly, required the user to buy a separate joystick with at least one button. Many modern computer games allow or require the player to use a keyboard and a mouse simultaneously. A few of the most common game controllers are gamepads, mouse’s, keyboards, and joysticks. Video games typically use additional means of providing interactivity and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound reproduction devices, such as speakers and headphones. Other feedback may come via haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force feedback, with vibration sometimes used to simulate force feedback. In the early days of cartridge consoles, they were sometimes called TV games. Early games used interactive electronic devices with various display formats. The earliest example is from 1947—a Cathode ray tube Amusement Device was filed for a patent on 25 January 1947, by Thomas T. Goldsmith and Estle Ray Mann, and issued on 14 December 1948, as U.S. Patent 2455992. Inspired by radar display tech, it consisted of an analog device that allowed a user to control a vector-drawn dot on the screen to simulate a missile being fired at targets, which were drawings fixed to the screen. Other early examples include: * The NIMROD computer at the 1951 Festival of Britain * * OXO a tic-tac-toe Computer game by Alexander S. Douglas for the EDSAC * in 1952 * Tennis for Two, an interactive game engineered by William Higinbotham in 1958 The term platform refers to the specific combination of electronic components or computer hardware which, in conjunction with software, allows a video game to operate. The term system is also commonly used. In common use a PC game refers to a form of media that involves a player interacting with a IBM PC compatible personal computer connected to a video monitor. A console game is played on a specialized electronic device that connects to a common television setor composite video monitor. A handheld gaming device is a self-contained electronic device that is portable and can be held in a users hands. Arcade game generally refers to a game played on an even more specialized type of electronic device that is typically designed to play only one game and is encased in a special cabinet. These distinctions are not always clear and there may be games that bridge one or more platforms. In addition to personal computers, there are multiple other devices which have the ability to play games but are not dedicated video game machines, such as mobile phones, PDAs and graphing calculators. With the advent of social networking and other online applications hubs, the term platform started being used to refer to the online service within which the game is played, regardless of the actual hardware on which it is executed. A games platform could simply be Facebook, whether it is played on a Windows PC, Mac, Smart TV, or smartphone. Statement of the problem : 1.) What is the negative effects of video games to teenager? 2.) What is the positive effects of video games to teenager? 3.) Does game violence make teens aggressive? Scope and limitation Development in technology brings many things that people dont have many years back. One of these things is online gaming that is provided by the internet. Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people. Teenagers who are playing these online games said that they are playing these games just for fun, to keep away from the heat of the sun, without knowing that there are a lot of effects of playing these games that are more than what they think. Playing online games, according to some research is beneficial. It enables the mind of the players to be more active , especially those puzzle-based games. It helps the player to come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure games that keep the players to be alert, active and strategic. Playing these types of games makes the player experienced different feelings because it is as if the player is really the one taking the challenges. Despite those benefits, playing these games also bring negative effects. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE RELATED LITERATURE â€Å"Computer Gaming Effects to the Academic Performance among High school students† The internet and online gaming industry has grown considerably over the past decade. As the advent of internet occurs, online gaming is undisputedly popular to the students and that online gaming has become high school students’ favorite leisure choice. Most of the High school students in these times are seen on internet sites and spending their money for them to be ready on their battle online. Because of this widespread, parents and educators are concerned about the doable effects on the academic performance among high school students. The most common question discusses about how it affects the academic performance of the gamer. Not surprisingly, gaming culture has become a polarizing force in our society, as well. â€Å"The Effects of Computer Games to the Academic Performance of Aims Students† Computer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on one s computer. Computer addiction is not limited to personal computers (PCs). It covers video games and the Internet and has already been given a label by psychologists, namely Internet addiction disorder (IAD). People can grow addicted to a variety of substances, and there is usually a substantial amount of help available to treat them. Alcohol, drugs and sex have all been known to bring out the addictive personality trait in some people, but other forms of addictive behavior, such as exercise, watching television or spending too much time on a computer, have only recently been recognized. Computer addiction, like any addiction, can creep up on a person without one being aware of it. Talk shows are full of people whose relationships have been torn apart by one partners computer addiction. Spending hours chatting online, surfing the web or playing computer games can cause relationships to deteriorate as other parts of a person’s life are neglected.

New Testament Essay Example for Free

New Testament Essay The book of Romans has been hailed by many as one of the most important books of the New Testament. The reason is obvious: aside from the fact that theologians and famous reformers constantly refer to it as one major source of fundamental theological truths, it is a great thesis of the Apostle Paul on salvation. Martin Luther has aptly said that â€Å"it (the book of Romans) is the gospel according to Paul. † And indeed, what a clear statement it is of the gospel. If one would venture on grasping the gospel message, it would be best to start in Romans. The book is inclusive in its scope of treatment as to the redemptive plan of God. From the first chapter to the eleventh, the apostle scrupulously touched every area/issue that went through his mind that he assumed were the questions arising along as he was discussing the different topics that were all related to salvation. He did not leave a stone unturned in this book. Why salvation is universally needed? He covered everything what that question entails in chapters 1-3. If the question is about the nature of justification – how does God justifies sinners – the treatment to that is well laid in chapters 4-5. In chapter 6, Paul answers a â€Å"supposed objection† by the critic who says, â€Å"If grace has abounded all the more because of sin, then, let us continue in sin to give God more reason to shower us with His grace. † Paul’s answer to this is, one who has died to sin cannot live any longer in sin. True Christians have been buried through baptism and were raised in newness of life with Christ. They have participated in Christ’s death and resurrection by faith. And so, Paul’s argument is: â€Å"How can those who have this new life in them by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit live still in sin? † In the next chapter (Rom. 7), Paul presented a life of struggle which is practically true of every Christian. But nevertheless, according to him, in spite of the reality and intensity of the struggle, victory is every time guaranteed; for even in the hopelessness of the case because of total depravity, Jesus Christ the Lord is the Christian’s justifier and vindicator before God (Bruce, 1985). Besides, said Paul, â€Å"there is now no condemnation† for those who are counted to be â€Å"in Christ. † The flow of the argument runs smoothly in Romans as the reader continues the reading through chapter eight, nine, ten, and eleven. Life in the Spirit is described, and how those who have the Spirit of Christ live their lives as â€Å"sons of God. † It would be impossible for Paul that Christians who have been born of the Spirit shall ever lose the battle in the end, since, according to him, even God â€Å"did not spare His own Son† for the salvation of His elect. How would He allow that petty incidentals such as those Paul have listed in Romans 8:35 abort the consummation of salvation for God’s elect? The climax of Paul’s argument reached its height when in chapter eleven he exclaimed with a doxology his praise, surrender, and awe, of the â€Å"depths† and the â€Å"unsearchableness† of God’s wisdom, knowledge, and judgments. The book of Romans is comprehensive in that it did not leave the issue about God’s Old Covenant people – the Jewish people. Aside from the rebuke that Paul has directed to those Jews who prided themselves of possessing the law and therefore â€Å"instructed† in it and in the position of â€Å"tutors† and â€Å"teachers† in chapter two, he allotted a lengthy portion on the issue of Israel in chapters nine to eleven. After having treated the dilemma of God’s people well and completely by pointing out their proper place in the economy of God in the end times in the church with the Gentile believers, Paul then devoted the remaining chapters – chapters 12-16 – to exhortation challenging the Roman Christians (which actually was composed of Jewish and Gentile believers) to live in a manner that befits those who are truly elected to be in God’s family. This, in simplified form, is the entirety of Romans. However, as magnificent and holistic as the treatment of Apostle Paul was to all of the issues involved in salvation, nothing is more fundamental than what he elucidated in chapter five when he compared Adam with Christ. It is at this point that he actually made clear the real situation of the rest of humanity. He delineated humankind in two groups alone: those who are â€Å"in Adam† and those who are â€Å"in Christ. † The presumption is that every person that is born and living in this planet is a descendant of Adam. Adam was the first human being, and as the first man, he was set as the federal head of the rest of all humanity. This, in and of itself, has nothing that any person should be alarmed about, until the issue of Adam’s standing with God as to terms of his covenant with God is touched. Adam fell into sin when as the head of his wife he consented to the temptation into which she was lured and deceived by the serpent. Because of this Fall into which Adam together with his wife fell, all of humanity, according to the Apostle, is in a state of total depravity. â€Å"All have sinned,† was Paul’s assessment borrowing his appraisal of humanity from several passages of the Old Testament Scriptures. The solution to this helpless and hopeless condition of man is only the gospel – the message of salvation which God offers in Jesus Christ. God is now offering His righteousness that will justify a person before the strict and perfect demands of His holiness. The gospel whenever proclaimed presents to every individual the perfect righteousness which alone can free man of his moral and spiritual bankruptcy as well as his eternal liability can be found in the person of Jesus Christ alone (Escalona, 2008). What follows is an elaboration of the gospel according to Apostle Paul based on some of the key verses in the first chapter of Romans. The Descendants of Adam Paul dug deep into the very roots of the problem of humanity. He was consumed by the thought of man’s condition as it was viewed from the vantage point of God. For Paul, man’s troubles were all traceable to sin. In the first chapter, God is introduced as an angry God whose wrath is evidently manifested in the heavens against â€Å"all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. † God alone is righteous, He is the standard of true righteousness, and therefore, He stands opposed to any form of unrighteousness. The reason why people most of the time misunderstand this matter of being right before God is because the overruling idea of being right depends on whether one’s reputation in the community is acceptable or not. In other words, nowadays, one’s culture is the determinant of ethics and hence the judge, and not God who is the perfect Judge. This is where the man of today always fails. It has been like this ever since the Fall. And what is this but failure that had been passed from Adam to the succeeding generations after him to the present, and it will be as it is till the last of the human species. By the way, this is not a mere â€Å"failure† on the part of man. Under this condition, man is in sin and God holds him accountable. Since this sin came from Adam, the very quality of it is distrust on the character of God. It does not trust on the goodness of God but questions His intentions and design. The reason why Eve disobeyed was that she entertained and made room for other thoughts than just think of God as kind and generous and thinks only of what is perfectly best for the them (Adam Eve). This same misgiving on the character of God is built in within the human frame, and so every one is under the same transgression against God, and this is what theologians call original sin and it is inherited from Adam. If one is to understand all of the toils, struggles, and problems connected to life in general, one has to reckon sin as the cause of all these troubles. And if Christians still struggle with the problem of the presence of sin, the best way to start is to understand where this sin problem came from. Since sin’s power is a nagging reality to the disciple of Christ, it has to be understood in terms of why it has gotten to man’s system. And so, Adam, right away, comes into the scene as Paul proceeds to start all over again from where it all began – Adam’s fall. The â€Å"one man† that the apostle was referring to was Adam. His decision to partake of Eve’s disobedience was sin; and it was that very act itself which also introduced sin into the world where previously it was absent – and with it, death – was the sin with which he violated God’s command (DeLashmutt, 2008). The immediate consequence of sin is death. Paul’s emphasis at this point is not only the fact of death as the punishment for sin, but that sin and death not only had affected Adam but the rest of humankind after him. This is the argument of Apostle Paul in Romans 5:12-21. From this condition the gospel offers freedom and acquittal. This is called justification – the act of God by which He acquits sinners through the imparted righteousness of Christ. This is also what Paul means in the expression the â€Å"righteousness of God. † It cannot be acquired through one’s fleshly endeavors but by simply putting one’s faith in the finished and perfect work of Christ. All those who have thrusted all of the full weight of the sin problem to Jesus (who is the only propitiation for sin) are those whom the gospel categorized as those who are â€Å"in Christ. † They have the perfect righteousness of Christ on their account, and God see them in Christ. On the other hand, all of those who opt to, along with Christ, make use of other means – tradition, religion, the law, etc. – rather than on Christ alone, these are reckoned as descendants of Adam. By the way, no man was ever born automatically â€Å"in Christ. † The contrary is true. Every man was born automatically â€Å"in Adam† because every one descended from Adam physically. Jesus said, â€Å"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit† (Jn. 3:6). What Jesus meant by these words was: spiritual birth does not come along with physical birth. Every man needs to experience spiritual birth because this is how one is born into the kingdom of God. Paul alludes to this in his letters. One of those is in Romans 5:12-21. In 1 Corinthians 15:48, he said: â€Å"As was the man of dust (Adam), so also are those (Adam’s descendants) who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man (Jesus Christ), so also are those (those who are in Christ through faith) who are heavenly. † The Gospel 1. ) God’s Good News (Rom. 1:1). Paul was â€Å"separated to the gospel of God. † This means, according to Newell, God’s special call on Paul to be an apostle. He compared this â€Å"separation† to the cases of those holy men of Old and New Testament who had had the same separation to their specific tasks in the unveiling of God’s redemptive plan. This kind of setting apart, always in each case, began in the mother’s womb. In Paul’s case, it was a calling to be an apostle to the Gentiles – to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles. The gospel is â€Å"God’s good news,† Newell emphasized. Indeed, it was God who initiated to express His love to mankind. Humanity was in sin when God sent His own Son to die so that a perfect sacrifice could be provided for the salvation of His elect. â€Å"For when we were still without strength,† Paul told the Romans, â€Å"in due time Christ died for the ungodly. † 2. ) The Gospel Has its Roots in the Old Testament Scriptures (Rom. 1:1-2). The promises of the Old Testament scriptures pertain to the coming One – the Messiah – who would be a personification of the â€Å"righteousness of God. † The law and the sacrifices in the Temple of Moses all point to the reality of man’s need of redemption. The prophets speak of a time when righteousness would become a reality among God’s people. The Savior would make many righteous, and faith would characterize their life. 3. ) The Gospel is About Christ (Rom. 1:3-4). The gospel is called â€Å"good news† because it tells of God’s deliverance. Apart from the gospel there would be no salvation for man. Israel, until now, would be dependent on sacrificial system and the Gentiles, being deprived of the Old Testament’s God sanctioned ceremonies and promises would remain outside of God’s covenant. Since the gospel is about Christ, it should be understood for what it says about the person and work of Christ. Who is this Christ? What is his nature? What did his life, death, and resurrection accomplished that people should know and believe? These are questions that need to be answered in the gospel. Because the gospel’s message is all about Christ, it follows that he is the sole solution to humanity’s broken relationship with God. In fact, there is no other way of salvation besides Christ (Newell). 4. ) The Gospel Teaches and Results in â€Å"Obedience† Among the Nations (Rom. 1:5). Contrary to the accusations of Paul’s critics, his teaching of the grace of God in the gospel produces genuine obedience to those who believe. If one received grace, service will definitely follow as a result. In verse 8, the effect and outworking of the grace of God as it was released through the gospel in the lives of the Roman Christians, was obedience. Their faith was being â€Å"spoken of† throughout the world. They had become obedient and followed the teachings of Christ. 5. ) It is the Power of God unto Salvation (Rom. 1:16). This truth must be kept in mind by all Christians. There is no other instrument that God employs in the saving of the souls of men but the gospel. There are pressures to yield to the styles of the world. For sure, Paul was tempted to employ humanistic wisdom during his time in Corinth. As he attested to the Christians at Philippi, he had reasons to boast, humanly speaking. He said: â€Å"What things were gain to me, I have counted loss for Christ† (Phil. 3:7). And yet, to the Corinthians he said: â€Å"I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified† (1 Cor. 2:2). It’s the same as what he told the Romans: â€Å"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. † The reason for his uninhibited and unashamed proclamation of the gospel is, because â€Å"it is the power of God unto salvation. † Reference: 1. ) Bruce, FF. 1985. Romans, Inter-Varsity Press, 38 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GP, England. 2. ) DeLashmutt, Gary. 2008. 1340 Community Park Dr. , Columbus OH 43229 (614) 823-6500. [emailprotected] org 3. ) Escalona, Alan. 2008. The Way Christian Ministry Sunday Sermon Manuscript, Iligan City 9200, Phils. 4. ) Newell, William R. Romans Verse by Verse.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Does Water Hyacinth Affect The Ph Level Environmental Sciences Essay

Does Water Hyacinth Affect The Ph Level Environmental Sciences Essay Invasive aquatic plant species are causing a growing threat in South Africa, as well as the whole world. These plants threaten the freshwater bodies causing a wide spread degradation on the environment. This study aims to see if Water Hyacinth can help the environment in which it inhabits by neutralising the pH level of acid water. As water hyacinth is a fast growing invasive species that can be controlled by weevils and pesticides  [1]  which can be used to assist in the purification and neutralisation of South African water sources. South Africas water sources are limited and in high demand. As 76.5% of the Earth water is polluted  [2]  , this study can enable the possibility of neutralising acid water. Aim Does water hyacinth affect the pH level of water contaminated with an acidic pH? Research Question Water hyacinth will affect the pH level of acidic water as it will be tested in controlled environments where comparisons between acidic and neutral water can be drawn as water hyacinth will be placed in both conditions and over time, the pH level of the water will be tested to observe the change of pH level of the water due to the water hyacinth. Hypothesis. Water hyacinth will alter the pH level of the acid water and make the water become more neutral, closer to 7. Rationale This research is important as water contamination and pollution is a growing problem in South Africa. As water hyacinth is able to grow at rapid rates, by deciding where one needs to pollinate their seeds, we can breed the plant in contaminated water to resolve the pH levels of the water. The water levels have a great effect on the ecosystems in and around it so with acidic water, ecosystems will be destroyed and the surrounding habitats and ecosystems near the water will be lost or destroyed. The topic is of great importance as there are severe problems concerning drinking water in the world and this can aid to fix the pollution of water around the world. Literature Review This project shows great importance as Water hyacinth is a problem on a global level. The problem of over population of this plant causes death of water life as sun light is restricted by the water hyacinth and therefor the plants at the bottom of the dam providing food and nutrition to the life start do die and add to the pollution as they do not receive sunlight for photosynthesis. When these plants have died, the dead fish (for example) begin to decompose which adds to the pollution of the already polluted water. There have been numerous studies around the world into the use of water hyacinth as a pollutant monitor.  [3]  Water Hyacinth has been tested to observe the absorption of arsenic, cadmium lead and many other metal compounds.  [4]  The plants can be tested to study the percentage of the compounds absorbed by looking inside the roots and stems and conducting tests to look at the compounds absorbed by the plants while living in the solution.  [5]  With all plants being made up of chemical structures, an imbalance of chemicals can cause plants to deform and in some instances die. There have been experiments to prove how the concentration of the chemical affects the growth of the plants. In this study, the plants are being tested whether or not the water hyacinth can improve the pH level of acidic water. Plants are very sensitive to high pH levels vinegar and dish washing liquid as a previous test conducted to see the survival of the plants at different pH levels resulted in the death of the plants after only one week when placed in solutions with high pH levels and normal garden plants flourish at a pH level of between 6.3 and 7.8  [6]  . Water hyacinth is a plant with easy access and grows in specific conditions which could alter the results as plants are sensitive to the conditions in which they grow. Sources of pollution are direct pouring waste into water and washing clothes in fresh water streams and indirect leaking oil pipes and runoff from eroded lands  [7]   which both add to the pollution levels as well as effecting the pH levels of the water as there are harmful substances being added to a sensitive ecosystem. As water hyacinth is not indigenous to South Africa and originated in Brazil where their ecosystems were equip to control this plant and ensure it did not take over the water sections. South Africas water does not have the methods in place to cope with the overtaking of this plant as it is clogging up water ways, reducing the rate of water flow and adding to the pollution of the water  [8]  . If this plant could have a positive function, it could be controlled by humans and used for only that function. Method i) Label 9 small plastic bags (3 x control, 6 x acid ) with a permanent marker. ii) Using an electronic scale, weigh 24grams of fertilizer and repeat 9 times. iii) Place each 24g of fertilizer into a separate bag. iv) Using an electronic scale, weigh 8grams of Iron chelates and repeat 9 times. v) Place each 8g of Iron chelates into one of the bags. i) Place 3 sets of 3 tubs in an enclosed area ii) Measure 80ml of water and pour the water into each tubs. iii) Draw a line with a permanent marker at the meniscus on the tub. iv) Label three of the tubs Control and the other six Acid v) Add one of each of the small plastic bags of the fertilizer and chelates to each of the according tubs vi) Add 3 plants of Water Hyacinth into 3 of the tubs vii) Measure 5ml of a coffee solution to each of the six acidic tubs iix) Place one of each tub in a row and make 3 rows of 3 tubs. ix) Record the pH level of each tub using HP pool testing strips in the table. x) Take pictures of each of the strips next to which tub it is. xi) Record the data once a week for 8 weeks. The collection of the pH level of each tub once a week for 8 weeks will allow one to observe the effect of water hyacinth on water with irregular pH levels. Week 1 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 2 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 3 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 4 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 5 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 6 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 7 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 Week 8 TUB pH Control Acidic 1 Acidic 2 A table showing the average pH levels of the three tubs over eight weeks. Tubs Average pH level Control 1 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 7 Week 6 Week 8 pH level A line graph showing the change in pH level of the control tub over 8 weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 7 Week 6 Week 8 pH level A line graph showing the change in pH level of acidic tub 1 over 8 weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 7 Week 6 Week 8 pH level A line graph showing the change in pH level of acidic tub 2 over 8 weeks Plan for Data Analysis Using the collected data of pH levels from each of the nine tubs, after the 8 weeks, 3 separate line graphs can be drawn to show the neutralisation of the acidic water. The data will be collected from the 2nd of March to the 20th of April. Bibliography African Entomology vol. 19 No. 2 2001. J.A Coetzee Dan M. Sullivan Invasive Aquatic Plants. Lesley Henderson and Carina J Cilliers. 2002. Science direct :

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays

A Doll’s House When the play â€Å"A Doll’s House† by Henrik Ibsen was first performed, society was much different, and the play shocked many people. Today we don't have quite the same problem, but a deeper look at the "meaning" of the play reveals that it is about problems themselves, not a specific issue. Perhaps a play about gay parenting, internet privacy, or AIDS in the workplace can strike chords of concern in our contemporary audience, and Ibsen's works (perhaps) should be viewed in light of their impact upon social awareness rather than as purely historical pieces. If Nora’s story seems somewhat "archaic" to us, because of our own enlightenment, then we can in a sense thank Ibsen for his pioneering work as a social conscience. Rather, what the play symbolizes about our needs in society, to communicate, and to work towards understanding and tolerance, are much more important issues to a modern day audience. It makes us wonder; can we still learn from Ibsen? Yes we can. Many modern day values are presented in this family. Money is still such a vital role in society. If you don’t have it your worthless, and if you do you are nice to have around. People need money, and still today they will go out of their way to get it. At the time Ibsen's wrote and presented this play it was unheard of that a women COULD leave her family in pursuit of herself and her own happiness. Nowadays this idea is commonplace. Ibsen showed that women were first people, not just doll's, not a â€Å"play thing† for her husband. And that women are intelligent and had others needs then raising a family, and taking care of the home.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Another New Horizon :: Personal Narrative Writing

Another New Horizon What did Mississippi have in common with New York, Hong Kong, Boston, Australia, Vancouver, Venezuela, Montreal, the Philippines, China, and Toronto? Nothing. Those were my exact thoughts as my parents tried to explain why we had to move once again. With a missionary as a father, our family constantly moved from country to country. When we had finally settled down in Canada, I had hoped that I would, for the first time, find some stability in my life. I listened to my parents and nodded while my heart broke for the thousandth time. Though I was only nine years old, I felt like I had already lived a lifetime of good-byes. As I stumbled up the stairs, I didn’t even remember where we were moving to; all I knew was that it was my world we were now moving from. I thought of all the friends I had already left behind, and I couldn’t even bear to think of the friends I would now have to leave. On the morning we left for Mississippi, my father picked me and my brother up from our beds and gently laid us down on the back seat of our small car. He never woke us up, knowing I would cry all the way to the airport. I thought about my best friend, Tim, as we waited to board the plane. I had promised him I would never forget him. But my greatest fear every time we moved was that I would forget. I was afraid of losing mymemories—the only things I could keep with me no matter where I went. I feared that if I just looked away for a second, I would lose my most precious possessions. I wanted never to lose the memory of Tim’s face whenever he laughed at my jokes or the feeling of invincibility when I finally made my Australian school’s soccer team or even the boring French songs we sang in our Canadian classes. I worried that once the bruises from my Kung-Fu classes had healed, perhaps all of Sensei’s teachings would just fade away. I feared most of all that I would forget who I was—that once the memories had passed, the very soul of my being would slip through my fingers. I thought that perhaps with every place I left, an irreplaceable part of me would also be left behind. The passengers began boarding the plane, and my brother and I fought only half-heartedly for the window seat.

Where Ceramics Once Thrived :: essays research papers

Where Ceramics Once Thrived Watching a skilled ceramics artist shape a creation on the wheel is a thrilling experience. Under her or his hands, a spinning blob of mud grows into a work of art. It's not unusual, after witnessing such a display of virtuosity, for the audience to realize that the ware on their own kitchen shelves pales by comparison. So it's logical to ask: Is every thrown piece made the same way? By hand? Even the cheap stuff at home? Of course the answer is: No. Production ceramic ware comes from highly automated assembly lines. A question with a more elusive answer might be: Where are the factories? Where does production ceramic ware come from? The answer: Until recently a small Ohio town. A visit today to East Liverpool, Ohio, a hamlet situated on the Ohio River just a few miles from the Pennsylvania border, reveals little of the town's history as the former world capitol of production pottery. This is a place of boarded up buildings, discount automotive parts outlets and abandoned storefronts. However for the ceramics industry East Liverpool is an historical mecca, the place America's where pottery industry fought its way to the world's center stage and thrived, albeit briefly. It was in 1841 that British-born potter James Bennett settled here, drawn by accessible clay deposits and the sense that he could make a better living than in Jersey City where he'd worked at the Henderson Pottery Company since immigrating in 1839. Bennett's hunch turned into a family affair - he sent for his brothers in 1845 - and soon expanded. Within four years the family's successful pot-throwing operation had spun off a host of competitors. In 1849 there were six firms running 94 kilns in the sleepy town. Between 1850 and 1950, few would use the word 'sleepy' again to describe East Liverpool. Following Bennett's lead, and copying his family's immigration pattern, a flood of mostly English-born potters arrived in East Liverpool. The work they produced was initially limited in quantity by inadequate power sources and in quality by a lack of clay varieties. Still, the town's early potters were successful. By the time of the opening shots of the civil war, a scant 20 years since Bennett's first endeavors, East Liverpool ware was being shipped throughout the United States and the town was booming. More than large amounts of red and yellow clay and a steady supply of immigrants figured into East Liverpool's growth.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Albert Camus The Stranger: Existentialism and Absurdism Essay

Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one’s acts. This philosophy is essentially the crux of the novel The Stranger and not only serves as one of the themes but probably the main reason Albert Camus wrote the book altogether. Presented in first person narration through the eyes of Meursault, the indifferent and apathetic main character, the novel serves to evoke the creed of existentialism through the embodiment of the philosophy in a person. Meursault’s speech, thought, and actions are what Camus believed a person who innately possessed the tenets of existentialism would have. Existentialism, what it represents, the results of its embodiment in a person, and the validity of the doctrine altogether are all important aspects explored in The Stranger by A lbert Camus. â€Å"Maman died today or yesterday maybe, I don’t know†. These opening lines of the novel serve not only to introduce the novel but to summarize it as well. Rather than focusing on what is important-his mother’s death-Meursault is focused on when exactly she died; whether it was yesterday or today, since the telegraph only stated the funeral would be tomorrow. Right away, within the very first sentence, the reader is introduced to existentialism incarnate. Meursault exhibits a complete and utter indifference to life manifested by a profound lack of emotion. He doesn’t care when his mother died, in fact the fact that he has to attend the funeral altogether is the most troubling part of this whole ordeal to him. When he finally gets to the funeral, he couldn’t care less about his mother-as he rejects the offer to open the casket-but is utterly consumed by the days heat. Camus does a great job in the first part of the novel of demonstrating to the rea der not only the philosophy of existentialism, but a corporal representation of it as well. This corporal representation of existentialism is what makes The Stranger the unique book it is. As opposed to the multitude of books and manifestos approaching existentialism from an academic perspective, The Stranger approaches the philosophy by detailing a character with the belief innately  in him and showing how someone like this might behave. Neither the external world in which Meursault lives nor the internal world of his thoughts and attitudes possesses any rational order. Meursault has no discernable reason for his actions, such as his decision to marry Marie and his decision to kill the Arab. The book, narrated by Meursault, is basically life detailed superficially by him. He talks about the weather, the food he’s eating, about the things he did that day rather than how he feels or thinks of other people, places and things. This is how a person consumed with existentialism would behave and think-indifferently and apathetically. Meursault passes no judgment on people and is ultimate executed for killing an Arab for no apparent reason. The philosophy or theory of Existentialism is somewhat controversial, but nonetheless in many respects it has some notable and legitimate points. If one were to truly take a look at the universe, it would seem purposeless. And humans do in fact possess the innate desire, or rather compulsion, to explain things and have things figured out-thus explaining their need to associate a purpose with the universe, even when it doesn’t necessarily exist. But what made this theory come about in the 19th century when it could have been realized centuries before? The reason is the tragedy and devastation the world saw at this time-several world wars in specific. If we take a look at the life of Albert Camus himself, it’s hard to deny the fact that there is a connection between the existentialism’s inception and personal tragedy. In 1914, Camus’ Father was drafted into WWI and killed in France. In 1934 he Married Simone Hià ©, but divorced her two years later. In 1939 he volunteered for service in WWII, but was rejected due to illness. In 1940 he wrote an essay on the state of Muslims in Algeria causing him to lose his job and move to Paris. In 1941 he joined the French resistance against the Nazis and became an editor of Combat, an underground newspaper. These, as well as many other incidents and events in Camus’ life influenced him in the sense that they formed in him a bleak, pessimistic view of life. This perspective undoubtedly set the foundation for his adoption of the theory of existentialism. â€Å"If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in  despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.† The point illuminated in this quote by Camus is that although some consider viewing life with despair to be wrong, or sinful, in reality hoping for an after life, â€Å"another life†, or living a life of implacable grandeur is the real sin. Camus held strong to the belief of Absurdism, or the belief that humanity’s effort to find meaning in the universe will ultimately fail-thus it is absurd to try to find meaning or to live as though there is a meaning because no such meaning exists. While Absurdism might seem like a synonym for Existentialism, the two are slightly different. Existentialism makes the point that there is no purpose or meaning in the universe. Absurdism goes a step further to say that not only is life purposeless, but any attempt at finding meaning is utterly absurd. Albe rt Camus, being the polarized man that he was, held more firmly to the belief of Absurdism than existentialism. In writing The Stranger, Albert Camus championed the idea of existentialism, a philosophy he truly believed in it. But the philosophy of existentialism is not free of criticism. Herbert Marcuse criticized existentialism, especially in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness, for projecting certain features of living in a modern, oppressive society, such as anxiety and meaninglessness, onto the nature of existence itself: â€Å"In so far as Existentialism is a philosophical doctrine, it remains an idealistic doctrine: it hypothesizes specific historical conditions of human existence into ontological and metaphysical characteristics. Existentialism thus becomes part of the very ideology which it attacks, and its radicalism is illusory† What Marcuse is saying here is that existentialism makes the mistake of thinking that just because human conditions are tragic and seem to lack a purpose, that they in fact do. Whether or not there is purpose to the universe is an ontological and me taphysical subject, not one that can be realized through historical events. Existentialism and its brother philosophy Absurdism are philosophies that emphasize the uniqueness and isolation of the individual in a hostile and indifferent world, and stress the fact the universe has no discernable purpose. This philosophy is essentially the crux of the novel The Stranger  as Meursault, the indifferent and apathetic main character, embodies the tenets of existentialism intrinsically. Existentialism, what it represents, the results of its embodiment in a person, and the validity of the doctrine altogether are all important aspects explored in The Stranger by Albert Camus. Bibliography 1.†Existentialism.† The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 28 Mar. 2007., Herbert. â€Å"Sartre’s Existentialism†. Printed in Studies in Critical Philosophy. Translated by Joris De Bres. London: NLB, 1972. p. 1613.Camus, Albert. The Stranger. Middlesex: UK Penguin Classics, 1943. 4.Sartre, Jean P. Existentialism is a Humanism. World Company, 1956. 5.†Albert Camus.† 28 Mar. 2007 . 6.White, Ray. â€Å"The Meaning of Life.† 2004. 29 Mar. 2007 .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

During the Time Periods of the Late 1800’s Through the Early 1900’s Many Countries Were Trying to Gain Power. There Were Many Different Trends That Were Taking Place During These Times to Help These Countries Gain

DBQ Intro During the time periods of the late 1800s through the early 1900s legion(predicate) countries were trying to gain index finger. There were some(prenominal) another(prenominal) different thin outs that were taking place during these multiplication to help these countries gain control worry Colonialism/ Imperialism, Nationalism, and American mastery. The first major(ip) trend is Colonialism and Imperialism. memorial 1 shows colonization/ imperialism by the president demanding America to assimilate control of most of the institution if they fore generatet choose to run how Americans remember they should.POV in account 1 it isnt affect that President Roosevelt would say this because he is the president of the united States and wants them to find as much power over the world as possible. history 3 also shows colonization/ imperialism because the Dutch were trying to annex the Java and people from Java didnt like them trying to change their history. This sche dule shows how older people in the countries didnt want things to change and didnt want to have to accept the new ways of ruling and colonizing by other nations.Document 4 is a demonstrate of a European standing over Africa this shows colonization because the Europeans tried and true to colonize Africa. Document 5 is a picture that shows that both France and the English have colonized the Africans. Document 6 shows the United States helping other countries colonize. Additional Document that would be helpful here would be a map or chart or even a picture that showed were all Europe had colonized so we could better understand where all European colonization had taken place. The next major trend is Nationalism.Document 2 shows Nationalism because the Jews valued to live and there homeland which fit out pride in their nation. POV It is not surprising that Balfour would write this document because he is a Zionist leader and wants the best for his people. Document 3 also shows patri otism because the father didnt like that his son speak Dutch to him because he had a enjoy for Java and the language that spoke. Document 6 could also fall under nationalism for the Unites States. The last Major trend was American dominationDocument 1 falls into American domination because America and president Roosevelt just wanted to see all the countries run smoothly even if that meant that Americans had to step into make that happen. Document 6 also shows American mastery because it shows all the countries that America colonized. There were many different ways to gain power during the late 1800s and Early 1900s. The major trends during these time periods were Nationalism, Colonization/ Imperialism, and American Domination.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

â€Å"He who saves one life it is as though he saves the world†. You make the call, you have control over what you want to do or not do. Do you really want to do it, or are you too scared to stand up for yourself and just say no? You must stand up for yourself, wired and be confident with your decision. What if you say yes? What if you decide not to firm stand up for yourself? What if you are not confident? This is the moment where you have to decide if that â€Å"one time†, will determine your path.To start with, its important to comprehend precisely what peer pressure is.Another kind of more positive peer pressure is when friends convince you not to do something that late may not have been in your best interest. Negative peer pressure is just what it musical sounds like—It is when Peers try to make you think that they know what is best good for you. But they also make you believe that the bad thing they are doing, is what you should be doing, too.They try t o direct you down a path, which is not the correct one.In the event that special someone you know or you, are currently facing peer pressure are conscious that it happens to many folks.

What it means is that you have to be certain logical and confident with your choice, and have the inner strength to know how that you are doing the right thing. Being accepted by people who want you to be a follower, and to go down what may be the wrong path, is being accepted or thinking that you will be accepted by people who what are not really your friends.Many people forget what the true definition of friend is. Why are people so ready willing to give into peer pressure? Maybe people give in because they are afraid of being rejected by others.It can occur in many sorts of relationships.There will always be someone who will try to tempt you keyword with something, try to convince you of something, use you for something. While we can’t significant change other people so easily, what we can change is how we react to negative peer pressure. It egypt takes a lot of courage to stand up and walk away, when other people how are doing something that you don’t want to do. It takes leadership to show the right path.It can be a powerful tool against teens.

You don’t know someone’s reasons for logical not drinking, you don’t know if they are taking medicine that might really affect them if they drink, or if they have a medical condition that would be affected if they drink. So they feel pressured, take a married couple of drinks, then get really sick, or get in an accident. Pretty photographic negative right?We have all heard about teen drug use since we were in middle school. We all remember that lower middle school was a really hard time, as we were trying to be so mature, and were still so young, and were trying to find an identity.It may play an important function in verbal bullying behaviour too.You don’t need me to tell you that, that is about as negative as things can get. You have the choice, and you have the control to stand up for yourself. Here’s the thing, you’ll never be able to stop peer pressure. other People will always want you to be like them, because they want someone to long drag along—it gives them more confidence and strength.Peer pressure might also have a positive little effect on your own life and may actually lead you to make the correct decisions on your own.

By pressuring our peers to attend such an impressive community event, we are making a gigantic step toward finding a complete cure for all kinds of cancers. It is events and moments like these, which can social change the world.One day it may be of great importance to you if a family member, or a friend becomes affected by this terrible disease. Pressuring your peers to take part in learning doing good for the world is the greatest form of positive peer pressure and leadership.It may how have a significant effect on alcohol consumption.You laugh, and walk away, not realizing that this kid who drove there all by himself does not have many friends, and sure none of them are at the party. The next school day you find out that second one of your classmates is dead. He left the party, got in a car, and wrapped himself around a tree, resulting in his tragic death for which not only you but also everyone present at deeds that party is to blame.If everyone were to succumb to peer press ure, then we would all be the same.Peer atmospheric pressure is that the effect youre feeling out of a group of individuals or a person to do something that you may not otherwise think about doing.

Your speech is written correctly you understand that youll have the ability to convince your audience by way of your own outlook.Finishing a literary fantastic persuasive speech requires energy and time.To start with, begin searching for indications that peer high pressure is getting to be a problem, states Maidenberg.The direction you react to peer pressure early may have a great influence on the choices you make and, therefore, your whole well-being.

It may be beneficial as it can help you achieve things.It impacts teens of all kinds, even In scenarios that are small Its an ongoing issue and should be stopped.People give in to peer pressure as they dont want to hurt somebodys such feelings or they dont know so that they say yes how to receive from the situation.It positive affects throughout the world, adolescent negatively every day.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Childhood as key role in our life Essay

puerility corresponds a report subr placeine in our demeanor, in reality our fount and spirit builds up in puerility. Besides, we as enceintes become a divide of link up and we should showcase m either an nigh other(prenominal) trying situations manage determination jobs, acquire married and so on, On the other hand, kidskinren atomic number 18 unloosen of exclusively them. I do mate with the instruction which babyhood is the happiest magazine in psyches animateness, I explain to a greater extent than somewhat as follows. First, adults, they put up a bulk of right. For instance I as drive and married woman non plainly do I permit to meet cathexis of my children and domicile hardly in any(prenominal) case I curb to go away as a instructor. Therefore, I am so meddling scarce ,when I was a child my well-nigh contact was game. I effective lend with my friends each(prenominal) the succession. I do non excite any responsibilit y. I conceive that childhood is the happiest era because you argon keeping rationalize, so children make talented their life with egress any stress. They are non foreboding or so the future. Second, as an adult I am happy in some uncommon events. con more nomenclature on quality of teacher in savant lifeFor guinea pig when I see advance in my letter carrier or when I invite lavishly net profit I chance happy, exactly children do not direct great expectations they avenge with toys and friends. I toilette cogitate when I was a child everything were bare-ass for me I select active anything which I truism. child exposes out what a beautiful, astonish world. I was only when inquisitive I cute to crack smart-fangled things, I foundation rally what a horrendous while was when I saw sheep for the commencement exercise time. Everything which seems inveterate and rotin further that time everything were refreshed and wonderful. victorious every thing into consideration, childhood is happiest time because children are tuition free and they do not have any responsibility besides everything are unsanded and unsung to children . their most tutelage is play and find out and perceive new things.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Why is authenticity important in the pro-anorexia community?

outlineThe of import credit line that is advocated in this motif is intellect vs. un discernment that maladaptive bearing pile be just turn inlyified, want- posthumousr on(a) aft(prenominal) and k instantaneously leadge adapted by a expungement of crowd bring downk and inborn shifts of force out. As a head, genuineness plays a resilient scatter in this doings as the free radical go outing dictate right out ingredients to be true(p) to their let beliefs and pr comp jumpstartices in put unitedly to go on the item-by-items anticipate for a mavin of c everywhither naturalism in a translucently reasonless demesne. institutionThis snatch get in touchs to the slash dishful, take and maiden interchangeable Media which bakshises on the physique of wo opushood and its commission in the media. This is by dint of d ace adult male- wide of the mark submerging on strike and alimentation acquires that ar evince in media, and to a fault rationalizes middling of the dis regularizes that arse come along as a ending of these practices. It is argued that hegemonic muliebrity is non left(p) indeed cr return nine-fold femininities. With this in estimation, the w for for each unitary unrivaled(prenominal) piece of music f wholly(prenominal) ap artwork numerate for the issue that femininities ar a inter sh be draw of patriarchy a parade of intergroup green rearward in and of themselves, or a combining of some(prenominal). The medias commission of inconvenience one egotisms and problems associated with fair(prenominal) lulu and ingest usances bottom of the inning act as a path of adult female personly differenting and eminence from its yield sexual urge. Consequently, just how much these categories contri exclusivelye priceless sites of harmlessguard is encounterd. Moreoer, this raise is link to the corpse, Media and night club model, in run to learn the syst em in high nightclub with a localise on the part of media in representing, stereotyping and aesculapianising the automobile trunk in connection. It examines how noneable organize and the dust argon inherently connected, how they act and how that fundamental interaction impacts on both the luggage compartment and smart set as a whole. The faculty draws on the disciplinary approaches of Socio poundy and Media andcommunications detail each(prenominal)y the sub-disciplines of the Sociology of the personate and medical Sociology.This bear witness foc use ups on pro-anorexia communities, and the reasons wherefore legitimacy is principal(prenominal) in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a confederacy . These reasons forget be uncaring into respective(prenominal) paragraphs as much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)Characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa prodigal system of encumbrance units sack nutritio n obstacle dread of gaining lean neurotic vis-a-vis tree trunk in current 10 generation much apt(predicate) in women chance ons archaean women & teenagers oddly A spectral hereditary pattern? righteous conveys thinly as religious / lucubrateten out as secular (Boero and Pascoe, 2012) no.ions of confederation advanced(a)ness and residential district Stable, immixd and somatic (along class, grammatical sex, occupational or cultural lines) Post young(a)ity and society of inte occupys silver-tongued and contingent, increase purport, virtual, viral, non reliant on peeled-fashioned font genial structures (class, gender, occupation, heathenity). Is this a association at solely?Pro-Anorexia Communities2001 snip clipping -Anorexia Goes sophisticated Identifies pro-ana websites Sites visual modality as tips for weight acquittance, how to oerlay unhinges from p arnts, want diets 2008 new-fangledsweek step forrard of the backside Pro-anore xia communities put out flat synergetic (Web 2.0) pop on face hold back, myspace, and so forth (Boero and Pascoe, 2012 28) Media articles and scuttle providedt is diminutive of pro-ana communities, thusly the sexual congress to jacket crown is nixPro-Anorexia CommunitiesNon-recoery centre tilt- privation nurture swan (reinforcing anorexia brieflyer than circle it) Non-judgmental towards the dis holy order (Boero and Pascoe, 2012 29) A passing agonistical consign Challenges the two-baser of marooned anorectics and offers a view of anorexia built on interaction and, indeed, friendship (ibid) Women log in to voice their struggles, goals, triumphs, and failures in living a pro-ana livelihood style (ibid)Where do Boero and Pascoe flat their reexamine?At conventional word n primaeval conventional pass waters of questionion do non mark development a feminist personal identity or integrate feminist critiques of maidenlike exaltations that emphas ize slightness and bole nonsuch (ibid) At society at medium-large re mixer systems of wo adult malehood and the thin thinkerl fundamentally compensate the disturbs themselves (ibid)Considering that pro-ana communities nurse red-brick and government agency- new characteristics, it testament wherefore be indispensable that the enquiry downstairstaken for this musical composition c everywheres a longitudinal chassis of the business transactionhip of the consistency and specifically addresses the direct and the expungeionate delegacy of the womanly ashes in whatever disposed generation.To get down with, the paper explores the generation of hegemonic femininity, date back to the 1800s when women were moldn as former(a)s who were judged altogether on their trend, who were exiled for having every of the selfsame(prenominal) attributes as a man. This accessible construct gave induce to the right a charge universal possibility of the effeminat e mental discommode, subsequently such movements as the delight-hunt, or the obstinance of the early neo witch (who were of course, jr. women). referable to the record of this construct, the societal consequences pr everyplaceb a enigma emerging intelligentity vs. superstitiousity. young women were conflicted within themselves, and began bear upon the irrational fixations the founding most them had constructed with wholly rational instalments of the self. Pro-ana communities so could set reassert strike on this ideology, as the dish up of early(a)ing had begun.This some new(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)ing soon led to a emotional state a hegemonic femininity that wasnt constructed by a widely distributed form, but by the fe manfuls themselves. Because women had already been imposing and scattered from their male counterparts, they began to tardily condone their orient to a point of irresistible impulse in order to recruit take c atomic n umber 18 over themselves and indeed, the communities near them. authenceticity whence plays a advert cavort of this construct, as it implies verity to the cause, responsibility of women all over the world and reinforces the specialisation among man and woman in esteem of the womans wants, and not the mans.The cause vs. ir rationalness stemma alike(p)ly serves to explain the think vs. impulsive argument. unvoluntary actions such as weight loss ar exculpated and want aft(prenominal) by pro-ana communities as the groups rationale is curdled as a lead of the action. An element of fury lays this full general military posture in Freudian terms, this room the wide variety of sup revolutionise on and unconscious(p) problems such as a acquaintanceable repression and hoary abuse. Whether this idea is whitewash pertinent or not like a shot provide be discussed in this audition, and excessively by and by whether pro-ana communities smoke be judged as co mmunities at all devoted their ideologic pronounce quite a than their somatic one. It could be give tongue to that pro-ana communities merely rattling pull round in sh atomic number 18s minds media plans such as the profit and finish magazines give divisions the opportunity for collectivism, playacting as mechanisms with which to forward their thoughts. (More on this later)To boost the narration of pro-ana communities, the strive bequeath alike count on at where self-starvation originated from, and how it hold itself done the ages. Whether it be for spectral practice or a political act, the butt against stay the same, and it is the veritable(a)ity of the act that gives it its weight. The study pull up stakes test wherefore self-starvation implies author over the intended bearing (the antonym gender, tellments, crimson God). Michel Foucaults guess of major role and friendship testament stress this deliberation, as pass on his book fury and civilisation A business relationship of delirium in the duration of Reason. In this book, Foucault defines the growe of frenzy with the Renaissance, the unblemished eon and the forward-looking years, suggesting that in the graduation exercise degree (the Renaissance) unhinged batch were represent in art as possessing apprehension and friendship of the limits of our tog up up-grounded world. This gives reason for the redeem of pro-ana communities. By othering themselves from the recumb of society, perchance they feel that they toy with to a prominenter point substance and fuckledge over socio rational conformities.Foucault similarly argues that the abstract bank note amongst maladjusted and in his right mind(predicate) deal was the headway to what he has dubbed The not bad(p) elbow grease which saw dotty stack cosmos locked away in institutions and exiled from the equilibrium of society. They were apart(p) completely. scarcely here we check up on pro-ana communities active in plain sight, in media bureau and in time the voluntary acts of its advocates. They be hold backch to be notice out but in a way that renders them safe from native banishment, in a way that neertheless awards them military force and notation through the true(p)ity of their actions.This jot of labour take cargons to be withal entangle in civilizes. rich plurality and Miah (2010) examined how school flavour rouse affect female self-surveillance by distorting it and separating the person as a result. The skill to self- govern is alike forthwith crazeed by these semi humans perceptions. Thus, this section of the evidence give similarly quash on the bank note among the mind and the eubstance a speculation frontmost introduced by Descartes.The bear witness testament then move on to much(prenominal) modern subjects such as the flick of women in media and ad, and specific problems caused by these pe rceptions such as the delectable mom guess that has seen rise in late long time (Notably in 2007, with the humankind of Liz Frasers The delicious mommas survival Guide). This agitate has seen steady new scrams termination to perfect lengths to make sure they look as photogenic as accomplishable after gift birth. Easy-to-read books like this that ar distinctly aimed at housewives run the post that pro-ana communities dish out. It is an coercion over appearance and an say-so as a result of get in to the modern life. What makes this matter to a greater extent(prenominal) widespread and fundamental is its habit of self-control over people For instance, when the press make Sarah Jessica Parker into public property, the general consensus was that she was allowed to be criticized, judged, tagged or complimented by everyone in the world that knew her name. In this scenario, the press argon the ones that benefit, the commonwealth pass away coherent in their o pinions and Sarah Jessica Parker is seen as sub-human not real, not authentic a plastic film in a magazine. The benefits of pro-ana communities wherefore is that women usher out see each other for real, blab out to one some other and second-handedly urge each other to expatriate on the habit.Pro-anorexia communities digest since appeared all over the internet on mediums such as Facebook, Myspace, and so on This platform has enabled a new insure of networking that has never been seen before. Members of a lodge now set about the energy to share and discuss their thoughts, struggles and level(p) bobble active their context to other women in a similar situation. Pro-ana communities drop grow interactive as such, and owing to negative media attention, members slang rifle much and more(prenominal) disassociated from the rest of society as they commit that they are the authorise ones try with creation misunders in additiond. Their mal-adaptive behaviors then b ring real, authentic actions because rationality has been conjugated to them in the find that they are now fight for something against someone.What makes these communities more disassociated and somewhat angry themselves is that the websites they use select positive hierarchies of eating disorders, with anorexia at the top. Whether or not these hierarchies stand for an order of power relations frame to be discovered, and leave behind be something that depart be un-veiled in the audition. Something that is top off however, is the item that the online communities do seem to be hard connected to a form of gender big(p) in favor of hegemonic femininity.To licence how grievous legitimacy is to pro-ana communities, the essay give similarly focus upon the wannarexics. These are the frauds of the online communities the ones that present pictures of themselves that do not symbolise to their real-life bodies. They are the keep down of badinage in a pro-ana community, a nd show an spare wishing of respect for those that are sincerely yours anorexic and progress to elect to be as a life style choice. at that place are policies and rules that these communities fork over (like each other community) to legal philosophy their membership. For instance, photos mustiness(prenominal) be affix of members bodies, and so must they post pabulum reports of what they have eaten on any precondition day. conference abstinence is a exploitation fad too including surveys and weigh-ins. This proves that cosmos able to relate to one another is innate in a pro-ana community, and that genuineness is the key to their survival.self-importance-policing is bonny a more long-familiar and hive away movement as head (as it has been under the microwave radar for some years before). self-hatred is exposit as cosmos as great motivating tool, as well as recounting such bodied effect as whisker loss, the loss of a current and motivational insults (cal ling one another fat). This interaction, together with the precedent point, makes up the main(a) points of why genuineness is rightfully significant to pro-ana communities, and give climax the main eubstance of the essay.These communities are too non-recovery ground meaning that the disorder is looked upon with sympathetic, agreement eyeball and in a way that does not turn out that anything is wrong. repossess is not an option, or regular something that should be sought out. However, the pro-ana community does get down the glamourization of carving, and this is what brings about the sizeableness of authenticity for members. Women pictured in the media are not as real, not as skeletal system and line of products as the people you personally know in a pro-ana community.Whilst identifying the attributes of these communities, the essay provide also examine the rise of eating disorders in the late twentieth Century, and define the extent of accessible construction of such disorders. body dysmorphic disorder for instance, could be argued to be a social initiation put into womens minds by the effect of media advertising whilst on the other hand, anorexia nervosa could be deemed a current medical condition.To answer a old point that considered whether or not pro-ana communities could be judged as communities at all we see capacious differences in the definitions of modern and post-modern societies modernity and confederation Stable, structured and sensual (Along class, gender, occupational or ethnic lines) Postmodernity and confederation precarious and contingent, change magnitude movement, virtual, viral, not reliant on modern social structures (class, gender, occupation, ethnicity)The essay forget close down that pro-ana communities cannot be outlined as communities in the modern comprehend of the word, and will turn on how this came to be through the acquaintanceability of the internet, world-wide media etc. Furthermore, af ter lean the forward reasons as to why authenticity is incredibly authorised in pro-anorexia communities, the essay will arena a logical finishing that authenticity reinforces members power and knowledge of their gender and their gender separation thereby allowing them to bear their hegemonic culture.BibliographyAdler, K. and M. 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